Chapter 38 - Your Reality

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Y/N = Your Name 

* 2nd person's P.O.V

It's an ordinary school day, like any other. As usual, you're surrounded by couples and friend groups walking to school together. You've always tell yourself it's about time you meet some boys or something like that....Satori walks in " Hey, Y/N!." You smiled back " Good morning Satori." That's Satori, your next door neighbor and childhood friend. He asked " Aren't you proud of me Y/N?." You asked " What should I be proud about?." Satori said " For waking up on time!." He added " But you never even said anything about it!." Satori pouts and gives you the puppies eyes. You sighed " Alright..." You patted his head " I'm proud of you Satori." Satori blushes " Ehehe~." You two crossed the street together and make your way to school. As you draw near, the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute. Satori asked " By the way! Have you decided on a club to join yet?." You were about to say what you've always say. But, you thought ' Something tells me Satori would take more offense to that now.' You looked at him ' After all, how could I tell him that clubs are a waste of time when he's starting a club of his very own?.' You said " I think I've decided on a club." Satori gasped " Really?! Which one?."  You smirked " I'll keep it a surprise." Satori pouted " Boo...meanie." 

* Time Skip

The school day is as ordinary as ever, and it's over before you knew it. You were walking down the halls. You finally found the door, You opened it and saw Satori with other boys. Satori asked " Y/N? What are you doing here?." A purple haired boy asked " Wow Satori who's your friend?." Satori replied " Yuki, This is Y/N! My best friend." A pink haired walks up to you " So...You're the Y/N Satori's always talking about?." Yuki smiled " That's right Naruki." You smiled " "Well, it's nice to meet both of you. I look forward to working with you." Satori gasped " Working? mean?!." You said " That's right. The literature club is the club I'm joining." Satori wraps his arms around me, jumping up and down. He smiles " Best Day Ever!!!!." Naruki said " Well, if Satori is this happy, then I'm sure it won't be so bad to have you around." Yuki said " That means we can become an officially-recognized club." Naruki said to Yuki " Hey Yuki...about that Novel you were reading early." He blushes " Could know?." Yuki pulls out a book from his bag " I'll always carry another." Naruki gasped " You mean?." Yuki gives him the book, Naruki said " I guess you should read Manga too." Yuki took a step back " Eh? I...I have to read manga...?." Naruki grunted " Don't be rude! You should be a little more open-minded..." Yuki replied " Sorry!. If you're willing to consider starting a novel then, I'll offer my gratitude by finding a manga to read." Naruki smiles " Thanks Yuki." Naruki and Yuki hugged each other, Satori smiles " This is so cute~." Naruki looks at him " Satori shut up!." You chuckled,  Yuki and Naruki left the room. 

Satori said " I guess the meeting's over, huh?." You said " Yeah...I guess so." Satori twiddles his fingers " Say Y/N. I know you joined and everything." He said " But, the truth is I kind of knew you were gonna join." Satori blushes " I wanted to thank you for spending so much time with us all." You sniffled, He said " You comforted us through our hard times and you helped us all get along with each other." You cried " Satori...are you saying?." Satori walks up to you " All along, that's all I ever wanted. You made my dream come true." He sighs " Too bad we're near the end. There's nothing I can give in return." You hugged him " I'm gonna miss you Satori." He cries " I'll miss you too Y/N." Satori kisses your cheek " We all love you." Before everything went black, Satori said " Most of all, Thank you for being a part of my literature club."

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