Chapter 12

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I can't actually believe that we won the duel against Paradox! I never thought we could do the impossible, but it was great duel of the century, and what I never imagined that I would have to save the World of Duel Monsters alongside my own father and the King of Games himself, Yugi Moto! 

We watched over the peaceful event that was suppose to happen with Pegasus happily greeting the promising , passionate duelists . 

  I turned to the group, "I can't believe that we managed to pull it off. " 

"You and me both, mystery girl, I was actually impressed of your dueling skills back there." Dad said, which makes me blush , due to the fact that he complimented me , even though he didn't fully realized that I was actually his own daughter. 

Yusei said, "You did great , I'm sure you'll make an excellent duelist. " 

I beamed at the Synchro duelist with pride, as I took on the compliment, "You know, I should be the one I should be thanking Yusei, you too, Yugi. 

I will never forget this experience and this would allow me to be stronger back in my Era. " 

The boys chuckled at my enthusiasm, as Jaden turns to Yugi, "It seems that our work has been officially done here, isn't it?" 

Yugi nods at that statement, as he knew that each of us have to return back to our own timelines. 

"It seems that way. " 

Yubel looks directly at me. She slides over, "Well done, Jemma. It seems your time-travelling really did do the trick." 

"Yubel... do you think that if I return back to my time, would Dad remember this event, that I fought alongside him?" I ask the spirit. 

"The only way to figure out that answer is when you return back . " The Spirit said as I sigh of knowing the spirit has a point. 

Yusei said, "I can give you and Jaden a lift back home by using the Chrismon Dragon. " 

I shook my head on the offer, "Thanks, Yusei, but I have my own teleportation of how I travel back to my Era. 

Oh, before I forget, here." 

It was a street addresses of the Duel Academy. "This is the addresses of where I attend Duel Academy in my Era. 

Meet me at 1:30 pm in the field. The same thing for you, Yugi. " 

The boys looked at each other in a puzzling look, but didn't question my motives. 

I took the card I have used to travel through time, as Dad still looks at me . 

As I did, the Academy was indeed back to normal, as the damage of Paradox's attacks never happen. 

I sigh, as Jesse rans up to me. "Jemma! Welcome back!" 

I took a step back, "Hold up. Don't tell me you knew I travelled through time, who told you? Was it my father?"

"Actually... Ruby told me. Are you ok? Those bruises on your uniform... was it from the duel?"

I reassure the duelist, "Yeah, but it wasn't too serious, and besides, I have your Rainbow Dragon back from Paradox for ya." 

The duelist repeated, " ' Paradox'?" 

"That is the name of that masked duelist we fought. The duel wasn't all fun and games I tell you much. 

But it was all a team effort to win the duel." 

Bonds Till End of TimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora