[17] cough cough

482 16 6

•third person pov•

The twins sighed as they walked out of the changing rooms.

"You ready for today?" Hoshimi have a lazy smile.

"Hell no." Y/N muttered.

"Okay girls! Today we will be doing patrol around Hosu City!" Psion exclaimed.

"Nice!" Y/N smiled.

"I wonder if we'll see anyone else around!" Hoshimi gasped.

"Who knows." Y/N shrugged.


The Pro Hero and two interns walked the streets of Hosu at the late hours.

They were walking down the street of the dance studio. She saw the door open and quickly ran up.

"Y/N!" Aiko gasped, run up to her, and consumed her in a huge hug.

"Aiko!" Y/N smiled and ruffled his hair.

The group talked for a couple minutes.

But then, the twins got notifications on their phones at the same time.

"Midoriya? It's only his location.." Hoshimi whispered.

"We gotta go." Y/N said skidding her foot on the concrete.

"He's in trouble. Bye guys." Y/N said sternly and ran off.

"I'm so proud of her..." Nari whispered.

"It should be right around this corner." Hoshimi said, looking at her phone.

"He's a fuckin idiot." Y/N muttered.

The twins saw Todoroki running from the other side of the road.

Suddenly Todoroki let out a huge flame of fire.

"That's the Hero Killer.." Hoshimi whispered to her sister.

The twins immediately let out a huge burst of energy, which the villain also dodged.

As Todoroki was monologuing, the hero killer took a swipe at him and drew blood.

The twins stepped back as Midoriya lept from his paralyzed state.

"What's our blood type." Y/N asked.

"O+?" Hoshimi looked at her.

Soon enough the two were taking a beating out of Stain.

Y/N ran into battle, Hoshimi confusingly following.

Suddenly Stain took a swipe at both the twins.

Y/N got a huge ass chunk taken out of her cheek, while Hoshimi got a small cut on her cheek.

Y/N coughed into her sleeve and blood sputtered out.

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