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Charlee moaned as Max pushed into her. She wasn't in the mood for sex. But she was feeling isolated from her whole family.

Max looked down at her. "You're not in the right frame of mind for this."

"No. I'm not. I don't want to have sex. But seemingly you can take no for an answer and it's driving me mad."

Max rolled his eyes. He pulled out. "Just go then."

Charlee was sitting in the square. She felt the tears sting her eyes. Charlee looked up as Jack came and sat down by her. "He's ruined your life. You can do better than him and I'm saying that even though he's my brother."

"I lost everything because of him seducing me. My sister. Rainie doesn't give a damn about anyone but herself. Tanya was the only one who was ever there for me."

Jack nodded. He wrapped an arm around Charlee and pulled her close. He knew all about how Max had seduced Charlee when she was sixteen into an affair. As a result, everyone turned on her.

Charlee had gone back with Jack to his house. Amy walked towards her. "Hello. Do you want to see my dolls?" She asked.

"Not yet Amy. Charlee and I need to talk."

Amy nodded and walked off. Jack took Charlee through to the kitchen. He closed the door. "You need to get Max out of your system. He's not good enough for you."

"Yeah. I know. I'm just... I don't want to be lonely."

Before Jack could say anything, the front door slammed. Charlee looked at Jack. "Is that Grace?" She asked.

Jack nodded and sighed. "She's been acting like this for the past few days. I don't know why."

Charlee smiled. "Want me to go and talk to her? We've always been close."

"If you wouldn't mind?"

Charlee walked into the Grace's bedroom. Grace smiled. "Hey."

"Hey missy. You okay?" Charlee asked as she sat on the bed. She saw how vulnerable Grace was looking and she didn't like it.

Grace shrugged and nodded. She sighed. "Just my friends. They're being idiots at the moment. But I'll sort it. And I'm missing my mum."

"That's understandable darling. She was an amazing woman," Charlee said. Ronnie had always been there for Charlee. She was like a second mum.

Later on that night, Charlee was sitting with Jack. They were watching a movie when the doorbell rang. Jack stood up to answer it and Max walked in.

Charlee looked up and sighed. "I'll go."

"No. Stay. What do you want Max?" Jack asked. He saw how down Charlee looked.

Max sighed. "I wanted to see if you fancied a pint. But clearly you're busy."

Jack rolled his eyes. "It's not like that. She's been helping me with Grace and Amy."

Charlee went back to the flat. She sighed and got herself ready for bed. She climbed onto the bed and felt the tears sting her eyes.

Could she ever stop the feeling of being lonely?

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