Canada x Mexico {CountryHumans}

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This isn't really finished but I'm not going to finish it.

Warning: Things be heated 🔥


It started off with a heated kiss, Canada dragged Mex off into a nearby janitors closet. The two had just gotten out of a worldwide meeting, it had been boring for the two so they both excused themselves to the bathroom, at different times as to not raise suspicion too much. You see, the two hadn't told anyone of their relationship but they felt the others weren't ready to hear it yet. Canada couldn't imagine what his brother would think of him if he knew he had a fling with Mex, he couldn't imagine what his parents would think. But that wasn't the point currently, currently the two were within their own world.

Canada's eyes were closed as his arms hung loosely around Mex's neck and part of his back. Even though Canada was the taller one, Mex was the dom in this relationship. Mex pulled away from the kiss, grabbing the scarf that was tied around his own neck. He grabbed Canada's arms and tied them together at the wrists with the scarf, putting Canada's arms above his head. Canada's blush grew a deep crimson as he looked Mex in the eyes. Mex held Canada's hands above his head as his other hand trailed down to the bottom of his shirt, slowing raising it up. Mexico's hand ended up going under Canada's shirt, his hand softly grazing Canada's soft skin. Canada shivered in delight, he loved when Mexico would trace his hand around his body.

Canada's back arched slightly as Mexico raised Canada's shirt more, revealing his skin to the cold air. Mexico looked at Canada's body, he had three tattoo's but Mex could only see one. It was Canada's "True North Strong and Free" tattoo, it was located just above his right bicep. Mexico admired it slowly, his hand tracing the handwriting as Canada noticeably trembled under Mexico's touch and the cold. "Nada, your inks so pretty. Why do you never show it?" Mexico asked, his tongue stuck out as he softly licked Canada's neck. Mexico bit into Canada, biting hard enough to pierce Canada's delicate skin. Canada gasped softly, trying not to make to much noise. He knew that if someone were to walk out into the hallway they would hear if they were too loud.

A knock on the door interrupted the two, Canada struggled to get out of the restraints and Mexico quickly caught on helping him out. Though the two were having their own personal time that could wait, the banging on the door got louder as someone called out. "Nada! I know you're in there, have you seen Mexico by chance?", it was America and he didn't seem to question who was in there or why. Canada opened the door, still holding Mexico's scarf in hand. Mexico hid behind the taller country, Nada had a large coat on so it helped hide the Mexican. Actually, Canada was really grateful he wore his usual heavy wear today. Especially his turtle neck, he would'not want his brother to seem his um...marks.

Canada stepped out of the janitors closet, be sure to close the door snuggly behind him so America wouldn't see Mexico. Canada held Mexico's scarf in his hand saying, " Well, not too recently. I stole his scarf and hid." Canada chuckled, he didn't lie often but damn was he good at it. You'd never guess such an anxious and apologetic man could look into the eyes of their own brother and hide the fact that they were just heavily kissing said brothers nemesis. America chuckled, Canada slipped the scarf into his pocket fully knowing America would think of something horrible to do to it. "Well, I think we should head back to the meeting", Ame suggested. Canada nodded, looking back at the janitors closet as the two walked back to the meeting room.

Once the fairly long and boring meeting had finished Canada sighed, Mexico had returned not too long after he and Ame did. Canada stood up and as he was walking with his brother he returned the scarf with a smile and that only made America scoff slightly and pull Canada away. America sed to love Mexico! Why was he being such a dired casserole to him now?

Canada and America made it back to the apartment building, comically named " Terra Apartments". America safely decorated his brother to his apartment, the two lived right next to each other. Mexico lived next to America, The apartment was laud out quite strangely but you got used to it after living there for so long. As the two brothers said their good night's, Canada caught glimpse of Mexico walking down the hallway towards his apartment. America walked into his apartment and closed the door behind him. Mexico waved to Canada and Canada walked over to America. "I'm sorry for just leaving you behind like that, I just had to at least try and hide you from being beaten", Canada chuckled lightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Mexico smiled before his hand waved it off, "It's fine, would you like to come in for a drink?" Mexico asked, he unlocked the door to his apartment and opened it. The inside of Mexico's apartment was nice but a slight mess. Canada chuckled and responded with a short, "Sure."

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