Chapter 2

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It has been a few days since your interaction with Shigaraki and you have been questioning about telling your father. You didn't know why or maybe you just didn't care but at the same time you were eager to see if your father knew of him.

You walked into a room expecting to see your father. "Um hello? Daddy?" You called out. Nothing responded, as you were about to leave you heard a faint cry coming from a dark corner. You walked closer to it to see Eri curled up in a ball crying into her knees. She looked up at you her eyes filled with fear, knowing who you were. You started back emotionless. You never hated her you were jealous due to all of the attention Overhaul would give her. But you never understood why someone would torture an innocent child. Yes you were a villain and never cared for anyone else. But looking into her deep sorry eyes made you feel different. "Hey come here." You said kneeling down to her level allowing her to come to you. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and ran to you hugging you tight. You hugged her back. Then you suddenly heard a large slam of a door. You turned to see none other than your father, Rappa, Kurono, and some more of his followers. "Y/n what are you doing with my test subject?" Overhaul hissed. Eri hid her face into your jacket. You sighed and looked down at the poor girl. Before slowly pulling Eri off your jacket. You picked her up and handed her to Kurono. You looked away as they began to take her. She began to slightly cry again, but you tried to ignore it knowing that you had more important things on your mind right now.

"Um father can I talk to you about something?" You said quietly not tying to draw attention to yourself. Overhaul turned around and then sighed, "I'm busy here y/n, later we can talk." "Father please it'll only take a bit." You argued. He rolled his eyes a bit and told the others to go ahead. He then shut the door and looked at you. "What? What could be so important that you need to interrupt me during my work y/n?!" He hissed at you. You kept a straight face, "While I was walking I met a man, someone who was covered in hands and shaggy hair he looked disgusting." You then spit out, then looking deep into your fathers golden eyes, as he did with yours. He sighed again, "Of course he seemed disgusting all the common folk do, but he's someone I guess special. He's the leader of the league of villains. I'm sure you've heard of them." He then replied. So he did know who this guy was then. Overhaul then began to speak again, "I'm actually going to meet with their group tomorrow, ugh I hope it's not as filthy as they all look." He groaned. "Can I come?" You then blurted out. You were eager to meet with this "League of Villains" wanting to find out more about them. Overhaul let out an annoyed hmm before actually speaking, "Well I guess it would be alright now that your 17 and going to be leader." He said. You nodded. "But don't do anything stupid, remember your supporting the Yakuza." Overhaul demanded. "I won't be attracted to filthy criminals daddy." You said aiming to impress him. He nodded then began to walk away, "When are we meeting with this group?" You asked him. "Tomorrow so be ready." Overhaul snapped back. He then left the room leaving you alone with your thoughts.

You then left to your room, locking the door behind you. Turning to your clock you read, 12:30. "Fuck it's late" you muttered to yourself. You shrugged your shoulders got changed into your pj's and took off your mask. As you were fixing up your bed you got a glimpse of your face in your mirror. You never liked looking at yourself without your mask on, the Yakuza made you feel powerful and evil. Though you just stared at yourself for a few minutes. It's not that you were ugly you were beautiful. But you didn't think so. You then glared into the reflection and shut the lights off heading to bed.

The next morning you woke up your h/c hair covering your face. You brushed it into your normal hairstyle and did your usual routine. You put your mask on and as you were about to head out of your room you got a text. You looked down at your iPhone. Overhaul: Y/n come outside now! There is a man who will be leading us to the league. You shutoff your phone running to the doors, and outside you see a man in a black and light gray costume with a mask covering his entire face. And then there was your father standing by him. "So you finally decided to show up?" "Hey nice timing!" The man shouted at you pointing. You gave him a confused look in response. "Y/n ignore him we're not here to make friends anyway this is business." Overhaul groaned. "I know I know." You quickly responded. "Anyways nice you meet you m'lady I'm Twice!" The man said then doing a weird bowing thing. You chuckled a bit at his strange sense of humor. Overhaul glared and you immediately stopped. Twice then proceed to talk as he lead you to their hideout.

Twice then held open a door for you two then introduced you to the group. A group of strange people were before you three, a girl with a big creepy smile on her face, a lizard man, a man with a top hat and a black and white mask on, a man which had a beard and big sunglasses, that man you saw with the hands, and another man covered in purple burns. "This place is disgusting." Overhaul hissed. "Well I'm so sorry it's not to your liking Chisaki." The man covered in hands said sarcastically. He then locked his red glowing eyes with your e/c ones. "Oh so I was right." The man then said evilly chuckling. You rolled your eyes and then began to meet eyes with one of the other members that was already starring at you. The man which was covered with burns. You two stared at each other with what seemed like it was forever until the girl rushed up to you pumping her fists up and down. "So you're a part of Overhaul's group huh?! You should totally ditch it and join us we'd totally be besties!!!" "Back off blondie" you said in response glaring pushing her away. "Aww your so funny!!! Ahahahahaha!!!" She then shouted laughing like a psycho. You groaned in annoyance and back away and turned to see the burnt man still staring. Then you heard a loud scream. "Don't touch me!" You turned your head to see your father killing one of their men. "Magne!" You heard Twice shout. And then you saw your father ripping an arm off of another on of their men. "Shigaraki you fucking bastard." Overhaul hissed obviously getting irritated. Shigaraki? That must be his name then. "I won't put up with this! Ughhhhh! Your so annoying!" Shigaraki then shouted out of frustration scratching his neck viciously. He then glared at you and before you knew it he ran after you. You were standing there in fear not knowing what to do, but moments before Shigaraki's hand was just about to touch your face you saw blue fire spread out in between you two. "You bastard!" You shouted at Shigaraki. You were about to run at him going to attack, but as you were pulling off your gloves the burnt man stood in front of you. "Dabi get out of the way!" Shigaraki hissed at the man in front of you. "Hey!" You shouted at him too. "You both are real fucking annoying." Dabi said, he then turned to you, "Get out of here girlie your just causing trouble." Dabi groaned. You looked at your father, "let's go y/n" he said as he began to walk out. Dabi kept on starring waiting for you to go. And you did, you walked out of there with your father hearing them all argue as you walked out.

"This is why I don't bring you on these kinds of things." Overhaul said after a breaking the silence. "What did I do? You never even came to help me when I was about to die!" You lashed out. He then glared and grabbed your wrist, "The reason I didn't help you is because I had my own problems I was dealing with and the fact that I have an entire organization to think about! My quirk destroying drugs are almost complete and I'm not going to risk losing those because of you!" He shouted in anger. You stared at your father your e/c eyes filled with fear. You pulled your wrist out of his grasp, "Yes father..." you sheepishly responded. Is this what I have ahead of me? This isn't what I think I want... you thought. You then reached home and quickly walked to your room. And then something hit you Dabi.... why did he save me? Why was he staring at me and why did he protect me from his leader?

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