Chapter Nine - Someone Old, Someone New. (Violet Choice) {Part 6}

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"I've said plenty." He spoke. Aj looked up at Violet.

"Thanks.. for trying to keep us." He spoke. Violet smiled a bit.

"Your welcome. I wish you could stay..." She replied, looking at me specifically. It was quiet for a bit then I decided to say something.

"Sorry.. we messed things up with you all. I wish the best for you all, I truly do. Live long okay?" I told them both. Violet gave a smile that said 'thank you'.

"You didn't screw it up, Marlon did. Even when he's dead he's still screwing shit." Violet also added, Louis glared at her.

"For fucks sakes Violet. Give him some fucking peace." He hissed. Violet rolled her eyes, she gave us one last look, lingering on me for a little longer before turning around and walking away. Louis looked at us then at Aj.

"Still got that gun?" He asked, Aj pulled it out and showed it to him. Louis sighed.

"Just.. try to be more careful with it.. okay?" He  asked. Aj nodded.

"I will." He agreed. Louis gave us one last look before turning around and walking away as well. Clem looked out into the distance.

"Let's get going. The sun will set soon." Clem spoke, Aj looked at her confused.

"How do you know?" He asked, we all turned and began to walk down the path. Clem looked at him.

"I don't know.. I can just feel it." Clem answered, though Aj wasn't satisfied.

"Howw?" He asked again.

"There's this cold that settles on my skin. It happens right before a storm, too." She explained, I smiled.

"I don't feel that.. do you (Y/N)?" Aj asked me, I shrugged.

"Well... I guess.. though I kinda feel it in a different way. Like in the change of the wind pressure.. or the smell of the air.. those kinds of things." I told. He nodded. Clem beside us chuckled.

"Well. You two haven't been on the road as long as me." I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah.. you said you were on the road a lot.. at the beginning." I reminded, she nodded. Though she didn't really seem to want to talk about it, so I left it at that. Aj who was a bit behind, ran up into the middle again to catch up with us.

"Clem.. (Y/N)..?" He spoke, there was a sadness in his voice. I looked at him, and so did Clem.

"Will we be okay..?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the ground. Me and Clem made eye contact.

"I thought we were done running from the bad people... and the monsters.." He added. Clem looked at him.

"Of course we'll be okay.. we're.. used to this.." She told. Though, she seemed a bit sad.

"I hate it out here.." Aj mumbled, I gave them both a determined look.

"You know what I think? I think it will be better! We'll find a better home. I promise you both..." I spoke, trying to cheer them both up. But sadly I still couldn't get the weird feeling out of my stomach.

"I.. hope-" Suddenly I was cut off by a gunshot. My eyes widened and Clem quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me aside as well as Aj.

"Hide!" She whispered, fear laced her voice. We all crouched down in the shadow of a couple of trees. Me and Clem slowly peaked our head out from cover. And my eyes widened at the sight.

"How.. how did he..-" I was cut off when Clem put her hand over my mouth to silence me. It was him. That man from the train station who tried to kill me. He was walking around, waving a shotgun with one hand, while his other arm was cut off. I cringed at the sight. The man grunted in frustration, as he searched the area, like a wolf who just lost its prey.

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