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Dallon gives them all an confused look. A spooky basement? How spooky? Is spooky even the right word to describe it? Hell, who knows. Actually- everyone but Dallon knows.

"Spooky? If it is just spooky my I see?" Brendon shakes his head no.

"No! Hell no, I even have nightmares from that scary shit, I don't want your beautiful mind to be destroyed, especially when you see Tyler's creepy evil self, it is terrifying, absolutely scary, I hate it, Tyler and that place are like a perfect match," Brendon says.

"There is blood everywhere, knifes, axes- oh god, remember when Tyler cut his hand off?!" Gerard asks.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Brendon says while covering his ears.

"W-What?" Dallon asks, he starts to feel a little uneasy.

"Yeah, Tyler shouted, GET OUT OF ME, then he cut his hand off, Blurry can feel his pain physically but never mentally," Frank adds.

"That means he felt good when him and Josh fucked," Joe says with a smirk.

"Just forget it guys, drop it, I don't even have your weird powers and I can tell Dallon is uncomfortable," Brendon says while grabbing his hand.

The spirits all smirk and give each other weird looks.

"What?" Brendon asks, trying to figure out what the spirits are doing.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all, my hand just, feels sweaty," Frank says weirdly, Gerard grabs his hand.

"Oh yeah, his hand is sweaty," Gerard adds on with the weird voice.

"Hey guys, Pete's hand is clammy," Josh says while holding Pete's hand in the air so Brendon can see.

"Josh's hand feels dead, man, look, everyone is holding hands now!" Pete says while pointing at everyone. Even the spirits who weren't talking are all holding hands.

"Okay! Okay! I get it! Yes, I am holding Dallon's hand, o-only because he's nervous," man, Brendon is just digging one big hole.

"O-oh yeah, F-Frank I'm n-nervous, hold m-my hand," Gerard jokes.

"O-Okay m-my d-dear," everyone starts stuttering to make fun of Brendon's stutter when he spoke.

"Oh fuck off! Go away!" Brendon says, he is very annoyed.

"So you and him could fuck? None of us wanna miss that!" Everyone starts laughing. Dallon is just a blushing mess and Brendon wants to beat the hell out of everyone but he can't really do that with his human self.

"Go fucking fix Tyler now, leave Dallon and I alone, look at him, he is blushing so much because of you twats!" Brendon says while gesturing to the poor fallen angels face.

"Fine. Blurry we're coming!" Gerard shouts. Everyone disappears and Brendon lets go of Dallon's hand and covers his face in embarrassment.

"I-I am so so sorry about those fucktards Dallon," the angel just giggles and pulls Brendon into a hug.

"It's alright, my friends would joke around with me too," Brendon nods, he still feels very very embarrassed.

"You also have a cute stutter Brendon, I have to admit that, very adorable when you stutter, usually you sound, well... not tough but... I don't know, you just sound so adorable and it makes me want to hug you and never let go," Dallon admits while nuzzling his nose into Brendon's hair. Brendon smiles sheepish and hugs Dallon back.

He has fallen hard for this angel boy.

"Even when you are upset you're cute, I guess you are always cute," Dallon says. Brendon blushes, a big goofy smile on his face. Luckily Dallon can't see it thanks to them hugging and how tall Dallon is.

They stay there hugging and Brendon closes his eyes and relaxes his shoulders.

"Your so tall and your hugs are so warm," Brendon mumbles while leaning a bit on the taller male.

"T-Thank you, you give good hugs too, you are nice and short, it's life hugging a tiny bear," Brendon somehow blushes even more, his face hurts from smiling.

Finally at last the two pull apart and sit on Brendon's bed.

"What now?" Brendon shrugs.

"It's pretty late, kinda, well I'm sleepy is what I'm trying to say, can we go to sleep?" Brendon asks.

"Sure, goodnight Brendon, I will see you-" Dallon gets cut off.

"N-No uh, can you stay in my room for the night?" Dallon smiles and nods.

He heads off to his room his change into his pjs.

Brendon feels so different, usually he is confident around Dallon but all of a sudden he just feels so nervous around the angel.

Dallon comes back wearing pj pants. Bren takes off his shirt and changes into pj pants as well. He shuts the door and turns off the lights. Brendon manages to find the bed without somehow killing himself or stubbing his toe on the bed.

The two go under the blankets and Brendon cuddles up next to Dallon, he nuzzles the older boys neck and brings his whole body closer to Dallon.

Dallon pulls Brendon closer by the waist, he leaves his arm around the boy and closes his eyes, relaxing more.

"Dallon?" Brendon says sleepily.

"Yeah?" The fallen one replies while wrapping his wings around Brendon to keep him all warm and cozy.

"I like you," he mumbles.

"I like you too, you are very sweet and I enjoy your company," Dallon says truthfully.

"No like, I think- never mind Dallon, you're just so cute and I don't want to ruin anything," Brendon says, his voice quiet.

"Okay... just tell me when you're ready Brendon, I will not rush you to tell me anything unless it was a life or death situation," Dallon says while trying to pull Brendon even closer. Brendon giggles a bit.

The two lie there together, Brendon feels very safe lying with Dallon. His arms around him as well as wings. Dallon's wings are so soft and fluffy, he loves them.

He just straight up loves Dallon. His beautiful face and amazing personality.

"Dallon?" Brendon repeats from earlier.

"Yeah?" Dallon once again replies.

Brendon shuffles up a bit and kisses Dallon slowly. He instantly melts into the kiss and kisses back.

Once the two are done Dallon freezes.

"B-Brendon," now it was Dallon's turn to tell the young one something.


"I-I can't... Ryan..." Dallon says in a whisper voice.

"B-but Dallon," Dallon unwraps his wings and gets out of bed.

"Brendon I can't kiss you, Ryan, I love Ryan," Brendon sits up, getting teary eyed.

"You kissed back! Dallon, he's gone, you're stuck here!" Brendon shouts.

"Fuck off Brendon! Ryan still loves me! I still love him!" Dallon shouts back.

Brendon was a bit taken back when the angel swore.

"What about me?! Do you not feel anything for me?!" Brendon asks.

"I-I do, I really do Brendon, I like you a lot, b-but that's cheating! Ryan, I never broke up with Ryan!" Dallon says.

"Forget it, get out of my room."

Fallen Angel •Brallon•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant