23 Bart's death

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It has been 1 year since Chuck's father Bart Bass dead. I thought Chuck needs someone to stay with him so I decided to go to his house I mean Empire hotel.

"Good morning Chuck." I kissed on his cheek. But he didn't say anything....I was right. He couldn't get over his father.

"I bought coffee for you." I tried to gave it but he refused. Then he opened the bottle of scotch whiskey and drank.

"Scotch? In the morning?" I said.

He grales at me.

"Leave me alone." he said.

"B-but...." If I wasn't here for him, he will be drunk and I don't know what he is going to do....

"Mikayla...get out of my room." he said.

I got out of his room saying nothing. I was worried about him....I could understand how he felt right now because I lost my mom and dad 7 years ago.

chuck was getting for ready for his business meeting. He pretended he didn't care about his father's death.

I went to Chuck's again to eat lunch with him. But he wasn't there. I remembered that he said he would go to the business meeting.

I went out from Empire. At the entrance I met Nate.

"Hi Nate. What are you doing here?"

"Hey Mikayla. I was about to meet Chuck but he seems not here."

"Yea he is on meeting I guess."

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I told him about this morning and Chuck was not okay.

"Why don't we have lunch?" Nate asked and smiled. He also worry about me.

"Sure." I said.

We went to the restaurant Nate picked. The restaurant looked nice and I liked it.

Eating lunch, we had fun conversation we avoided the topic of Chuck.

After lunch. We said good bye and I went shopping. Shopping is my best escape.

After shopping, I called Chuck but he didn't answer. He can't be on meeting yet....where's he? Is he safe?

While thinking of Chuck, my phone rang. It was Nate.

"Hey Nate what's up?" I said.

"Serena got a car accident...."

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