Chapter 7

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"Lily, get up!" Pansy yelled, waking up her friend. Lily groaned and rolled over. "What Pansy?" The girl mumbled.

"Today's the big day!" She yelled again. Lily sighed and sat up. Today she had over slept for the first time.

"I already picked up for you. So just hurry up and get ready. Today is the day"

"Thank you, Pans" Lily jumped into the shower and looked over herself. These last couples of weeks she pushed herself at practice. She had a couple of bruises over her arms and legs, but they usually go away fast.

"Lilsssss" Kaa hissed as she got changed.

"Hey, Kaa. You will have to hold on tight to me later or I'll have to leave you in the locker room" she explained to the snake.

"Yessss. Yessss. I want to explore for a little bit" The snake hissed back. Once Lily was dressed she extended her hand for the snake to slither up. Kaa would stay around her arm or by her neck. It would depend on how comfortable the snake was.

Once Lily was done, the trio began their walk to the great hall. Draco was beaming with excitement for his friend. Even though Pansy didn't understand the sport and the hype for it. She was even excited for her friend.

"Miss Potter" Snape said causing the young girl to look at him.

"Yes, Professor"

"Don't eat too much or you'll get sick" the potion master said making the others look at him.

"Ok, Professor" she answered. He then turned around and walked out. After Lily was done eating she went to meet up with her team.

"Alright. You guys know the drill. Potter, this is your match so be prepared" with that we all waited until it was time.

Finally, it was time for the match. Gryffindor came out first and they were erupted in cheers. Then slytherin came out and only the Slytherins had cheered. Everyone was still really against the Slytherins so they had to be extra loud. Lily was the last one to come out making both sides gasp.

Draco and Pansy cheered loudly when they saw their friend. "LETS GO LILY" they cheered. Lily smiled at her friends and chuckled.

"Little snake-" Fred said

"What a surprise" George continued.

"Hi, Fred. Hi, George" Lily said while giggling at the twins.

"It's too bad"

"That we are against"

"Our little snake" The twins said.

They then went their separate ways. It's was time for the match to start. The match was going good for the Slytherins, that's when Lily had found the snitch. As she was heading towards it her broom began to shake. Everyone turned their heads to look at the girl. Her broom was fighting against her.

"POTTER. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Flint yelled at her.

"I'm not doing anything!" She yelled back while her broom continued to shake her. She then almost fell, but was hanging by her broom at the last minute. Everyone gasped, that's when lily spotted the snitch. Not only that, but she spotted Professor Quirrell whispering something.

"Masssster" she heard her snake hiss. "He is messing with your broom" It hissed again. Lily began to pull her body up and get onto her broom as Kaa bit Professor Quirrell making him jump into the air.

The game then resumed. As Lily flew through the air she went towards the snitch. She began to stand on her broom as people gasped. Lily didn't understand what the problem was. She had full control. That's when she had grabbed the snitch ending the game. Everyone on slytherin cheered for the girl. Lily was in shock. Her first game had been a memorable one.

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