Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Wait, what?" My uncle said shocked. "You can't be serious."

"I know it's crazy, but I have to get my fortune back, no matter what the cost is." He probably thought that I've been cursed or something, but it didn't matter now. I needed to do this for my family, not for me.

"Look I don't know if this is some pride issue or something, but I'm telling you, it's like physically impossible. I mean you won't even be able to pass the gate without someone seeing---"

"But you work there and you can get in to the gate right?"

"I don't like where this is going," My uncle said. "This better not be impediment to my work."

"I know I'm being a little avid about this but Odin took everything away from us and just because your the only one left in this family that's rich, doesn't mean you shouldn't help me." I said brusquely.

"Look, Cam, I'm not trying to be despicable about this but I cannot help you. Odin is my proprietor, my boss, I can't just turn against him because you want revenge over some little---"

"IT'S NOT LITTLE MARQUES!" I yelled back at him. "We are not resilient like you. All I want you to do is help me get into the palace. From there I can handle it. That's all I ask of you. You're clever, you can help me. I know you can, I see it in your eyes."

Silence pervaded the room.

"I'm gonna make this quite concise," Marques said. "You're not going to accomplish anything by robbing the palace. Besides, no one but Odin and the royal family knows where the vault is in the palace."

"Uncle Marques, I don't care. All I need is to make my family proud. I'm never going to do that if I'm stuck as a seamstress my whole life."

"The consequences will be excruciating if your caught," He said.

"I know and I've thought about it, but with your help I won't get caught. I trust you. Please help me Marques, for us, for our family. Maybe we can bring our family back on top." I paused and waited. After a couple of seconds of no reply I continued, "If you get caught and you lose your job---"

"I won't just lose my job I'll lose my head, too." He told me.

"But you won't, if you lose your job though, I will cover for you saying that I tricked you into it. Because I will get out of it one way, or another. So please, Marques. Please...." I was done if he said no again and that would be the end of it, I would stop begging.

"Well," My uncle began. "Fine! I give into it. I will help you, Cam, whether I like it or not."

"Thank you, Marques! Thank you so much! We can do it, you and me, without getting caught."

"I hope so, now here's what you have to do......."


The first I have to do is get past the gate and into the palace. Marques said that once I get inside, The palace is mostly unguarded. He doesn't know where the vault is, So he doesn't know if it's guarded or not. He gave me a watch to make the guards look another direction while I sneak past them and all I have to do is shoot a little green ball on the back of their heads. But only for the gate guards. When I get to the palace doors I have to do the exact same thing, except there's more guards. Then, when I get inside, I will look for a guard outfit to change into. If I don't find one and someone sees me coming the watch also has an invisibly booster, but I can only use it a certain amount of times because all magic comes with a price here.

"After you get inside," My uncle started, "I cannot help you. I will be at my house the whole time. This earpiece," He pulled out a tan-like colored ball, kind of like the stunning balls I'm going to shoot the guards with. "You will put on your earlobe so it blends in with your ear so no one notices and calls for a security scan. It's too small to put it inside your ear because it may get stuck, but you'll hear it and its not loud enough for anyone else to hear. The earpiece also has a small camera, as the midgardians call it, so I can see if the halls are clear on this little screen-thingy here." My uncle probably has never used some of these things and apparently has gone to Midgard to get them, which I don't know how because Heimdall is suppose to guard the bifrost.

I thought you said you won't help me on the inside," I said.

"Yeah well, if I'm involved with some of it, I may as well be involved with all of it." He smiled, then I smiled. I couldn't help but wonder what my mother and brother were going to think about this.

"What do I tell my mother?" I asked.

"We're going early in the morning so just tell her you went to work early." Just then the tompone rang. A tompone is a messenger that teleports messages back and forth, it's a more advanced version of what you midgardians refer to as a 'Telephone'. My uncle answered it and stared blankly for a few minutes then hung up.

"Who was it?" I questioned him.

"That was the palace messenger telling all citizens that tomorrow morning they're having a parade for Thor's arrival. So that either means the palace will have less guards or more guards. Lets hope for less."

"Does that mean we're not going in the early morning?"

"No," Marques answered. "We're going when the parade starts at 9:00 am. Tell you're mom that instead of going to work, you're going to see the parade with me. Meet back at my house tomorrow an hour before the parade so we can set up. You need some rest though go home, I'll see you tomorrow."

I left to get on my horse and I started to ride home. On my way home I thought of what would happen if I succeeded. Would we live with Marques? Would the neighborhood be rich? Would my family be proud of me? There was no turning back now.

When I got to the house I realized that I was gone longer than I was suppose to have been. It was 6:00 and both my brother and mother were waiting at the parlor. When I entered the room they remained sitting then they both looked up and just stared at me with blank expressions. Then my mother spoke, "Where have you been?" She plainly asked. I really had no answer. I couldn't tell her I was at Marques's house because then she would ask why and I couldn't answer her. So I just told her what she already knew.

"I was at a bride's house adjusting a dress like I said."

"You left at 7:30, you should have been home earlier, or at least have gone to work." It is very hard to get rid of my mom when she wants to know something. I don't know if its the same with all mothers, but definitely my mom.

"I didn't have any work to do so I didn't go. We don't have work tomorrow because of the parade---"

"How did you know about the parade? You've been out all day." I knew I couldn't hide it from my mother for long. But visiting my uncle wasn't bad.

"Ok, fine. I went to see Uncle Marques. I was over there so I thought, 'why not'. I didn't have anymore dresses to see anyways." There was a pause in the room. My mother has a disapproving look on her face. She then stood up and walked towards me.

"Camden I don't want you to visit that man. There's a side to him that you don't know."

"And you do?" I said rudely, "I can't take this anymore mother! You being so strict with me, just let me live my life! All I want is freedom, ever since father died you have been so different---"

"Do not mention your father into all of this!" Mother said fiercely. "Do not see that man again and that's final."

"Mother, tomorrow I am going with him to the parade and there's nothing that you can do to stop me. That's all you need to know." I walked up the stairs then said behind me, "I'm going to my room till then." I went to my room like I said, bathed, then got into bed to go to sleep. I didn't care that it was still early evening. I needed rest for tomorrow that was for sure. So I slept and waited. Waited for destiny that would take me to tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2012 ⏰

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