Chapter-4 Waking Hours

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Narrator's p.o.v-

Nicola stirred a little when she felt a warm sunlight on her face. She opened her eyes and peeked at her alarm clock. It's 6 in the morning. She wasn't a late sleeper and late riser. In fact, she started waking up more early when she came out of the coma.

She feared that she wouldn't be able to see the next sunrise whenever she went to sleep at nights. Her depression was breaking her back.

A lone tear escaped her left eye. She sniffled into her duvet remembering all those horrible days where she would be just staring at the wall all day and night. Nothing could put her heart and mind at ease. Even when she started seeing doctor there wasn't much improvement. She even thought of committing suicide.

At one point she had stopped coming out of her room, refusing anybody to see or talk to. She was going to die like this way then what's the point of trying when her mind and heart were always in battle to even made her breathe.

She sobbed loudly, crying out her sorrows and bad memories for the day. It has became a routine where she would bawl her eyes out onto her bed every early morning so that no one could her loud cries.

When she felt light enough from her crying session and her eyes nearly gave out every last tear drop then only she sat up and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Nicola got dressed in peach corset top and blue denims. She realized it was Saturday when found no one in the kitchen but Aaron in his white tank top and black trousers.

Aaron turned around when he heard a commotion from behind. He watched Nicola looking so lovely in her simple attire. Her slightly red puffy eyes were breaking his heart.

Every morning he listened her bitter cries. There were times when his consciousness took the best out of him that it has almost became uncontrollable for him to tear her door down and immediately scooped her in his arms, to console her, to whisper sweet nothings in her ears.

Like right now he's fighting his guts hard to go over there and hugged her tightly but instead he went with his usual line.

"Good morning, Chlow." Nicola met his heated gaze.

"Good morning" Nicola smiled a little.

"Did you slept well last night?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, thank you." Nicola signed.

Aaron nodded his head and tried to avoid to take a peek at her sad face. It was too much for him. It burned his insides in massive rage whenever he saw her sad, puffy face. If only Nicola wouldn't be so hardheaded and let him take care of her fully then she wouldn't be crying at all.

"Here's your french toast and blueberry pancakes." Nicola's smile widened on seeing generous amount of her favorite breakfast. It looked delicious.

Aaron took a sip of his coffee and chuckled slightly to himself. If only she knew how beautiful she looked.

"How's it?" Aaron asked demanding all of Nicola's undivided attention.

"It's very tasty. Thank you!. Nicola politely signed.

"I told you before not to thank or apologize to me. I like it whenever i do something for you." His blunt words made Nicola little uncomfortable but she didn't showed it to him instead nodded her head.

"I am joining you in your today's session." That wasn't a question but a statement.

"Uhh.. I don't get it?." Nicola looked at him confusedly.

"I said i will be joining you in your today's therapy session with Dr. LeAnne." He put it out simply.

"You don't have to. Aaron, don't bother yourself. I-".

"We will leave in an hour." He wasn't hearing any of her excuses. From time to time, he has to act tough towards her or else she would do anything to push him away from her.

He didn't liked bossing her around but he has no choice other than that. The walls she has built around herself is anything but Aaron proof.

He was scared that one day when Nicola will recover fully then she will leave him for someone better, better than him.

He can't let that happen, not until he is alive. He would do anything in his power to keep Nicola with him for the rest of their lives.

Even if it mean he has to control her life, to boss her around. He would do that. Infact, he loves it when Nicola willingly agreed to him. He wasn't sure if she gives in because she was just being polite or nervous as long as she is with him. It doesn't matter to him.

Of course, he felt like an asshole sometimes to do these things to her but what else he can do to make her realize that she has no one else other than him. She has no place to go other than his.

"Take a picture of me. It would last longer." Aaron hides the little smirk that was fighting to form on his lips.

"What?." Nicola's eyes widened.

"You're checking me out " An embarrassing stain flushed her cheeks. She wasn't checking him out, although she was staring but it was purely unintentional.

He knows how to twist the words and make the other person feel humiliated. Though, he was merely teasing her.

"Come on, Chlow. Look at me. You don't have to be shy!. I haven't spend seven hours a week to makes these biceps and abs to show it to other girls." Aaron pointed his index finger on his left bicep making Nicola gasp.

"I think, i should go get ready." Nicola immediately scurried off to her room leaving deeply chuckling aaron behind.


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