Finding y/d/n

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Summary: Steve and yourself let the avengers talk care of you baby of a few months while you spend sometime together.
Y/d/n = your daughter's name
"I not sure about this." You answer getting out of the car and and opening the back door to get  y/d/n.
" why not?"
"Steve I know we lived with them for a long time and I trust them but don't you remember the plant you brought and died under there care and only survived a minute until the plant was in pieces." You answered.
"Your right maybe we can go back an- ." Steve answering before being interrupted.
" Ah lady y/n and brother Steve you are here to leave y/d/n yes?"
As Steve pick up the car seat. To reveal a tiny baby with blue eyes and blond soft tuffes of Steve features but you nose, lips, ears . It was like you but a pinched of Steve.
Sleeping soundly. She was in a onesie and a blanket around her and as you pick up you bag with all the needs of a baby care of needs.
"Well then come along I shall be going in and you can leave the care to us I can back from the place with food items and poptarts."
A bag filled with poptarts.
As you came out of the elevator. And as Thor walk in as you and Steve see everyone at the living room.
As everyone came too see the baby. As everyone crowded as Natasha came in and nocked everyone aside . " I call dibs". She said and caring the care seat with here.
" okay so the list has the time for what she needs and what to do." Steve said as he pull a list which was small like for example a sticky note size then unfolded it and become a whole nile River.
" Okay capsicle I don't think necessary." Tony answered.
"Well it is and now I having second thoughts why don't we just stay and not go anyw-."
" look it going into fine beside what could go wrong." Clint bump in.
" look everything is going to be fine besides go ahead and have fun." Wanda said as Bucky came in and pushed both you and Steve out to the elevator.
" look Punk it's going to be fine Im here ."
" yes but we could s-." Steve called as Bucky pushed a button and the elevator closed.
As Natasha set y/d/n on the coffee table and everyone sat on the couches.
" I never knew capsicle could make cute babies." Tony said.
*this is your baby but a few months younger just a little *

 ————————————————————————*this is your baby but a few months younger just a little *

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Just with your features and Steve's too.
"Maybe we should call them" you said to Steve as your both in the car.
"Yes we should ."as you both got your phone and called.
*back at the tower*
*phone starts ringing*
"Yes ?" Natasha and Bucky answered there phone .
" are you guys okay ?!" Voices of yours and Steve's where heard.
" you do know you guys left like five minutes ago and are in the car I can see you from the tower." Bucky answered Steve.
" just checking" as they hung up.
As everyone got ready for movie night and headed of to the kitchen as Wanda stayed and look at y/d/n .
As they came back they heard crying.
Y/d/n was crying loudly and who though a baby's cry was louder than Thor's earthquake snoring.
As Thor came in and and said " I THOR PRINCE OF ASGARD SHALL RESCUE CHILD OF BROTHER STEVE AND LADY Y/N BE GONE." As Thor took y/d/n and grab the car seat and yeeted it across the room and crashed the window and off to the ground.
" you do know where going to need that." Pietro said as he look down at the car seat in pieces .
" Come on this is like the 15th time this week ." Tony sighed.
As y/d/n calmed down and look at Thor . She stop because Thor looks similar to here daddy ( NO DIRTY BASTARDS) I mean he has blond hair blue eyes and a muscular body and was tall.
But still whimpered from wanted to be changed and feed.
" something stinks ." Bucky said looking at San.
" yeah it does - wait HEY." Sam look at Bucky and there where having there fight which looked like to children slapping there hands.
" I'll change her" Wanda said heading to her room talking the bag.
As she came out with a clean baby and sat down with her in her lap as the movie began it was finding dory.
As she started crying . Again
" they left a bottle here maybe she's hungry said Natasha.
" I'll grab the list". Before Natasha grab the list it was yeeted by Sam.
" pfft who need a list it a damn bottle just heated it in the microwave."
" nonsense we shall make a poptart smoothie ."
As Thor entered the kitchen grabbing the spinning thing he called it as he put milk and poptarts and mix it together." As he look in the bag and grab an empty bottle and poured the drink in.
" Brother I not sure what ever you are making is for darling y/d/n."
" so that was the 'protein drink' you called it?" Clint looked at the drink in the bottle.
As Thor came in and was about to give the bottle to y/d/n.
And was taken by Sam .
To y/d/n crying .
"Why you do that?!" Bucky looked at Sam .
" well we can't give her that it too sweet and also it not good for a baby." Sam said to Bucky with their faces closed by a few inches. As there where arguing and with a slap/hit from Bucky .
Y/d/n laughing at that.
"Wait do that again." Said Pietro. As everyone looked at y/d/n
Bucky slap Sam again. As more laughter came again.
" I am such a proud god father." Bucky laugh too as he gave another slap to Sam .
With came to an argument and as everyone jump in and arguing about the bottle and other thing pointing fingers and shouting.
As tony came in and looked at y/d/n which gave him a sly gummy grin.
" why are you looking at me like that?"
As he pick up y/d/n and took the milked bottle.
*an argument a few minutes later*
"Wait where's y/d/n???" Natasha said looking around as every was panicking.
*back to Steve and y/n.*
"I think it time we go." Y/n said to Steve as they finished there dinner.
" I think we should it already 8:30."Steve said looking at his watch.
"I'll call them."Said y/n picking up her phone.
"CHILD IF BROTHER STEVE AND LADY Y/N ARE YOU THERE!" Thor loud voice boomed as he lifted the couch and saw nothing was there and yeeted next to the broken window while it broke and landed where the car seat was. And everyone was searching and looking ever where when a phone rang.
Everyone was quite
" well shit there coming in 10 mins."
"I HAVE A PLAN!" Clint spoke up.
"Loki turn in y/d/n and then while they come we could have some time looking for her."
Clint suggested.
" I shall not be a baby and act like one ." Loki answered.
"Hey it either that or being killed by two people with super solider serum and has access to a shield and weapons." Sam butted in.
"Very well then." Loki sighed.
*back to y/d/n and Tony *
There where chillin you know in a king size bed and giant tv playing playing lion king and also having a bottle while tony had wine but the nonalcoholic one. Which was bitter. And had some chips while y/d/n had puffs there like Cheerios but for baby's with gums soft that it okay to eat. Also they had a set of sun glasses.
________________________________ And as Steve parked the car and saw a car seat in pieces and a cough??
As y/n and Steve entered the living room with everyone except tony to finally get there baby back.
Thor was holding y/d/n *cough* I mean Loki.
"Where staying a little since I have a mission tomorrow also how was y/d/n was it trouble?" Steve asked.
" no no no , no trouble at all." Everyone answered with no's.
"Well then I'll take her for a bath."y/n asked then holding her arms out.
Everyone cringe inside Loki. Shower. Baby.
As y/n was going to take her baby.
" well you know you guys can get change and we'll hold on to little precious y/d/n for a little longer." Answered Clint sliding in.
"But you had her all day." Steve answered.
"Well we just love her so much."Bucky replied.
"Well you guys can have her back when I gave her a bath." Answered y/n.
As tony came back to the living room with a very sleepy but happy y/d/n .
As you and Steve where still trying to get you daughter back and looked over to fine tony and ... another y/d/n???
"Wait so what happened when we where gone.?" Y/n asked looking at both babies.
"WAIT YOU HAD HER THE WHOLE TIME WE THOUGHT WE LOST HER!!!" Everyone screamed at tony. Even baby Loki . Which is horrifying for a baby to have a guys voice.
"So which is our baby.?!"Steve called back at everyone.
"Well for one she was with me when everyone was arguing and she gave me a cute smile and we had a fun playtime." "Right y/d/n?!" Tony looked at y/d/n.
As she cooed as y/n ran to tony picking up y/d/n.
"Thank then for taking care of her."y/n answered as y/d/n pulled an her hair softly.
" then who's that.??" Steve asked
As Loki turned back and said " goo goo gaga happy Everyone it is I loki and now let's go back to the movie shall we ." He Answered calmly .
" well then that didn't go as plan when we left and why is there two broken windows?"

Hope you enjoy love, birdie 😊
Vote and comment so I now you actually enjoy my dumbass self and the crap I do and hope you enjoy this imagine.

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