Chapter 11: You Belong To Me

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It was the first day of Junior year Bucky and Allie were sitting in career class. "Welcome everyone to Career Class. I am Ms Lydia Cooper. In this class we will discuss openly about what to expect after high school" Ms Cooper said

She went through and put everyone in their assign seats according to her assign seating chart. "Okay now for your first assignment that will be due Friday. On Friday you all will present to the class where you see yourself in ten years. For some of you that will make you 27 or 28. I want you to include personal relationships as well. Where and how you ended up with the career you chose as your career goal." Ms Cooper said

She passed out syllabuses and books for the class. After she did all this since it was the last class of the day she let them out thirty minutes early.

Allie went to the library to start working on her paper. Bucky went to the weight room. He was still harboring hurt feelings over Allie Kate.

Bucky and Brayden stayed at the school for football practice. Allie drove herself home and picked her up some supper from Zaxbys.

That Friday during 4th period Ms Cooper when in alphabetical order. "Ms Baker it's your turn " she said

She smiled and said "I will be 27 years old in ten years. So I will be in my last year of medical school. I will be studying to be a ob gyn. It's what my mom wanted to do. But she never got a chance to cause she died when I was three days old. She had a pre eclamptic heart attack during her c section." She said

"Where do you plan on going to college for that Allie Kate?" Ms Cooper said

"Oh that's easy..Tennessee University of Tennessee. Where my hometown is." She said

Bucky looked down "no" he mouthed to himself.

After a few other classmates went it was Bucky's turn. "Mr Barnes." Ms Cooper said

Bucky stood up and said "um well I will be 27. And um well if you had asked me a year ago I would have said nfl or anything to get me out of here. But um after my brush with death and everything else that has happened to me. I will be finishing up law school and um yeah. I want to go to college at UGA." He said

That night after the game Bucky joined Allie in the shower. He turned her around and kissed her. "Mmm James what are you doing?" She said

He picked her up and put her against the shower wall. He kissed her "you belong to me. You aren't allowed to leave me. It was never over for me." He said as he thrusted up into her.

She gasped. They started to make out as he continued to move in and out of her. "No Tennesse..Georgia with me..I need you I have missed you." He whispered in between kisses.

"James..oh my god yes..oh fuck me." She whispered as her eyes began to roll.

"Yeah baby you like the way I fuck your tiny perfect pussy" he whispered as he slammed into her.

He got faster "ah god yes baby oh my Allie baby oh yes.....mmmm ah fuck!" He whispered as he spilled into her.

He rested his forehead against hers as they were both completely out of breathe. "You are mine. I told you that nobody else could have you. Then you go break my rule. Drew baby fucking Drew Bartley." He whispered.

She swallowed hard as he kissed her. They started to make out as he cupped her cheek "No more games no more rules just me and you. Okay? Please? I don't give a damn what anybody has to say." He said

She looked down "Buck..promise me you will stay on this track." She said

"I promise baby." He said as he held her cheeks.

"We might want to keep this a secret from our parents for awhile. I'm not entirely sure how my dad would like this." She whispered.

"Yeah he's not my biggest fan right now. He might not like that I have pounding into his precious princess's pussy..but it's oh so good to me" he whispered as he kissed her.

They turned off the water and had another round in his bed. 


"Oh fuck dad is going to flip James" she said as she picked up the pregnancy test.

Bucky rested his forehead against the side of her head. "Im sorry baby" he whispered.

She looked over at him "we need to get to class baby" he said

"Yeah." She said

They threw everything away and left for school in his truck. Winnie came home early from her shift and while Bentley was napping she was gathering up all the trash.

She got to Bucky and Allie's bathroom she looked down and there laying on top of the trash can was her positive pregnancy test. "What the hell?" She whispered.

She put it in the box then laid it on the counter. She finished getting the trash together along with all of Bucky's used condoms.

"Who? my son sleeping with?" She whispered knowing full well that in the last two months he hasn't brought home a girl for her to meet.

That night when they got home they saw all four parents standing in the living room. "Hey umn who died?" Bucky said

"Nobody yet..Allie when did you and Drew break up?" John said

"The night of the bonfire in June." She said

"Whats going on?" Bucky said

"So you havent slept with Drew since you broke up?" Winnie said

"I never slept with Drew. What is this about?" She said

John picked up her pregnancy test. "Then explain this to me..or tell me that it's James' girlfriends that she left here. Any thing baby that.." he said

Bucky looked down.

"Buchanan.." James said

He bit his lip and said "Im sorry John..I had a condom break Im the daddy its mine. I love her I um Im sorry everybody." He said

"What the hell are you talking about son?" James said

"Its me!! She is sleeping with me damn it!! We started to sleep together when we went to Hawaii she broke it off with me when I forgot her birthday. And I overdose cause I wanted forget the pain of losing her." He said in raised tone.

Gasps came from Winnie and Tegan. "You are sleeping with my daughter." John said

"Yes.." he said

"Daddy Im sorry but I cant be on birth control and we were using condoms." She said

"You had a plan baby" he said

"Daddy I can still go to college and medical school. You did it " she said

"And it was hard baby" he said

"I don't plan on leaving her John. I love her. Im here for the long haul." Bucky said.

John walked away as he wiped tears. "You all go do your homework give us some time to process this and give him time" James said

"Dad it was an accident." He said

"I understand that son." James said as he walked out of the room to find John.

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