Chapter 1~ Sky (not fully edited)

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What if you were different. So different, that you were isolated completely.

Would you run? Would you hide? Or would you go out into the world and try to fit in? Even if you were different.

That's me. The abnormality of society. Trying to choose, and choose right.

The definition of Abnormality describes me perfectly:

1. A abnormal condition, state or quality.

2. A abnormal thing or event.

Yep. That's definitely me.

Because I am a outcast, I don't have much to do with anyone.

I always sat alone, always moping and wondering, "Why me."

And I had every right to feel completely alone. Nobody else ever understood.

You know that feeling of complete rejection from everything. Not being accepted for anything you do, or anything you are? Well that was me in a nutshell.

Until 2 months ago. When I learned, I wasn't completely alone. That the were more people like me. Who all shared at least one trait with me. They were different too. Some were just better at coping, and hiding it.

And quickly, Abnormality changed to Abnormalities. I had other people to interact with who would wanted to be with me.

People who fit in with me, and were most comfortable when they were with people like me.

And so, this is my story, of how I found other like me, and other people who had abilities like me, that they hide from society.

Because powers like ours will never be accepted.

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