Trent - Meeting Point*

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So with my being late, I arrive at school when the tardy bell rings.


I sprint to my locker in record time and switch out my books after taking a few precious minutes opening my damn god forsaken lock! I sprint down the hall to the other side of the school, take the back staircase up two flights, make a left at the doorway, go down until I see a fork and go left where a dead end hall held only two doors. My film teachers office, and his classroom.

I crack the door open and spot Mr. Retardo...Yeah, its a real name, talking about the Hitchcock film Birds.

I walk past him to get to my seat and he ignores me as he continues to talk.

He begins the film and we spend the rest of the class watching it but we were cut short when the bell rang so we'd have to finish it tomorrow in class.

I get up to leave and pass by his desk where he is looking down writing something but holding out a blue slip for detention.

Knowing it was for me I grab the slip and stuff it in my pants pocket.

I walk to the library since fourth period was free period. I normally hang at the library because the computer lab was huge and I normally did my projects there during my free time.

Fifth was lunch so when an hour and a half passed I got up, stretched, saved my work and walked down a set of stairs next to the library to the underground lunch hall.

To my immediate left was the cafeteria and next to it was the senior room where there was a gaming system, coffee machine, flat screen tv, luxory leather couches, Foosball, and even a personal chef! Saying that we were a rich school is an understatement. Just from parent donations alone, we built an Olympic size indoor pool with bleachers upstairs with a fully stocked snack bar and a marbled flooring in the locker rooms and private changing rooms with a dry room plus a steam room for both girls and boys. This whole thing cost eight million dollars and we still had some change to spare! I gotta tell you, rich kids these days have no priority.

Though I shouldn't say that since I am the senior vice captain of the track and field team. Taking advantage of what's rightfully mine as a senior is no biggie. I don't feel guilty.


Not. Guilty.

....Okay I do feel guilty. A LOT.

Trying to get over it I walk over to my friends who took up a whole bench on their own. The guys were from different clicks and definitely had personalities to match but through thick and thin all of us stick together since we were pack.

I see Parker talking with Brian our up and coming hunter. I sit next to Parker and listen to their conversation till I get bored and pull out a sketch book and doodle.

By the time the end of the lunch bell rang I gathered my stuff and tossed my trash nodding to Parker as I go to my next class.

Sitting in Math as the teacher drones on, I doodle in my notebook, unfortunately a GED is required minimum for me to pursue my career in art.



School is over and I run out of the building like it was on fire. It was, in my soul!

"Wait up Trent!"

I look back and see Parker waving at me and pointing at his car.

Nodding we get in his ugly Honda civic that has a cassette player. I mean who owns a car that plays cassette tapes! At least my parents own a car that has a cd player.

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