Bayek X Reader

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Slowly you opened your eyes wondering why it was so quiet because your friends were usually so loud. Still disoriented your brain hadn't registered just where you were. You stretched your limbs letting out a yawn whilst closing your eyes but hissed out when you felt a bit of pain in your leg. "Try not to move so much that arrow was very tricky to remove", a feminine voice sounded. You blinked a few times to clear your vision only to see the back of a woman who was dressed oddly walking to the door and summoning someone. You froze when a hooded figure entered whispering with the woman before she left and the figure walked towards you. Looking at the built of the figure you could now tell that it was a man but you could not see his face because of the hood he wore and the various weapons on him made you extremely nervous. He sat besides you keeping a comfortable distance between the two of you. You were watching his every move and you could tell that he was doing the same. Finally he took his hood off revealing a very good looking guy with fair skin you also noticed two scars one across his face and another on the right side of his lip despite them he still looked really good. With the staring you were busy with you did not realize that he had spoken to you.
"Huh...I'm sorry did you say something...", you awkwardly cleared your throat.
"What is your name", he asked again with quite an authoritative tone.
Swallowing thickly, "um....I'm...(y...y/n)...".
"From where did you come", he asked again and that kinda ticked you off.
"I'm sorry shouldn't you at least afford me the courtesy of telling me your name instead of going on with your questions as if this is an interrogation, in case you haven't noticed I am laying here injured because of you and your buddies", you looked at him expectedly breathing hard after your outburst with seemed to have shocked him. An uncomfortable silence settled on both of you before his voice broke in, "I apologize for my behavior your presence has just shaken me. I am Bayek of Siwa"
"That's a weird name", you mumbled but he heard you.
"Your name sounds odd as well".
You looked away in embarrassment that he had heard you before remembering what he said so turning to him, "Hold on what do you mean my presence has shaken you".
He looked away clearing his throat before replying, "You wear clothes like those of an Egyptian woman but you do not look like them nor the Greek women but..."
"But...", you encouraged him to go on.
"But you wear the eye of Horus...", he pointed at the amulet eye thingy hanging around your neck, "...for months I have been dreaming of your arrival or rather shown, the gods have lead me to you".
You looked at him as if he was crazy, basically to you he was crazy, 'the eye of Horus and gods leading him, this guy is mental'.
"Ok so where are we exactly", you asked him already trying to find an exit to this place without making it obvious and running far away from this guy cause he really seemed to believe what he was saying. Which was going to be tricky with the injured leg and all.
"We are in Kanopos it was the closest for I had to bring you to a healer for your leg".
'Again with the weird names'
After that he left you and the woman came back again giving you something to drink you hadn't even realized how thirsty you were. You drank it spitting some of it at the terrible bitter taste it had been medicine not water and slowly you drifted off to rest some more.

When you awoke again you saw sand and it was moving, 'what...moving sand'. Blinking your eyes again to try to clear the remnants of sleep you realized you were the one moving. In fact you were riding some kind of animal you startled causing you to fall off and land on your back. Groaning you heard someone soothing the startled animal before they approached your form, looking up at the sky your view was quickly replaced by the same hooded figure from before what was his name 'oh yes Bayek'. He stood with his hand outstretched you took it and got up dusting yourself. Looking around you saw a camel and a horse, obviously he was riding the camel meaning you were on the horse more like sleeping on it. You didn't even feel like you were riding a horse until you woke up seconds ago, 'man I really must have been out of it'.
"If you don't mind we must keep moving its now noon and I'd like to be there by sunset", his voice sounded with just a hint of annoyance. "And why couldn't you wait for me to wake up, taking me to God knows where without my consent", you waved your hands around shouting at him.
"You've been asleep for two whole days I could not wait any longer", he replied in kind. "That's because that so called healer of yours drugged me and how did you get me to the horse", you seemed to have forgotten how easily he killed those men days before he could kill you too.
"That was medicine you still needed to rest for your wound to heal properly, you are standing on that leg without any difficulty or pain are you not and besides...I carried you to the horse", he was heaving now having had enough of your attitude. You looked at your leg seeing a bandage and realizing that it did not hurt as it did. You looked up at where he was previously standing only to see hit footprints leading up to the camel he had already mounted it, "Wait for me", you ran and mounted the horse before you both galloped to where ever you were going.

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