Nervous Gestures

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This was a request from @-despresso ! Sorry I took so long, but I kept on going on sad tangents that I didn't think anyone wanted to read. Anyways I hope you enjoy! [y/n] means your name if you weren't aware! Thanks for reading :)
This was the third time Bill had check his hair in the mirror.
"Why does it fall like that, why can't it do something?" Bill said to himself, frustrated of how he looked today.
Nervous didn't begin to cover it. He paced around his stingy New York apartment. The person he believed he could spend the rest of his life with had flown in this morning to spend the week in New York. His best friend, the person he was so excited yet nervous to see again was on her way here to see him.
He took another look around the apartment.
"Oh god, not the coffee table!" Bill looked at the table to see what seemed to be a ring stain where a mug had been days ago.
He rushed to the kitchen, to his cleaning cupboard and grabbed the cleaning spray with so much force he nearly fell back.
A few minutes later, you could believe he was satisfied with the presentation of the apart-
*knock knock*
One last look in the mirror.
Bill walked over to the door and took a deep breath. He opened the door and there she stood. His heart skipped a beat.
"Hey!" [y/n] said, wrapping her arms around Bill.
"H-hey" Bill said, taken aback a little.
"It's so good to see you! I can't believe I haven't seen you since you started at SNL. You are going to have to tell me EVERYTHING!" [y/n] said enthusiastically.
"Yeah, d-definitely." Bill blushed.
"So, where are we going for lunch?"
Bill's face turned white. How could he have forgotten the reason she was coming around?
He thought quickly in his head for an answer.
"Um, well, t-there's this um cafe a couple blocks from here that I-I've heard is nice." Bill said, unsure of himself.
"Ok then, show me the way. [y/n] smiled, gesturing Bill to go ahead of her.
The cafe was rustic with a friendly atmosphere. The tables were a red wood that were accompanied by blue and and green cushioned chairs. The lights were warm, they made the room feel like home.
"This place is really nice, Bill. I didn't know you had style." She joked.
"Yeah." He said, not really listening, he was lost in her eyes.
They spoke about everything. Bill's news career, her encounter with a man juggling keys of those with cars that he had stole. (Supposedly it was part of the big gossip Bill was missing out on). With each topic, Bill's nervous self became less stuttery and more enthusiastic. The conversation even became deeper and more personal, as they caught up on everything.
"I can't believe you work at SNL now. You're so funny Bill. I hope you know how much you deserve this." [y/n] said. Squeezing Bill's hand on the table.
"Thank you." Bill paused. "I really missed you, [y/n].
"I missed you to." She said in response.
They held their gaze for what seemed like an eternity.
Bill thought about everything he had ever wanted to say to her. He needed to see if she maybe, just maybe could feel the same way.
He scratched the back of his head, a habit he had since a child whenever he was going to confess to something.
[y/n] knew it too well.
"I-ah, [y/n], you... are a person?" Bill said nervously.
"Yes, I am a person as are you."
"Right, so um, how do I say this?"
[y/n] looked at Bill the way you would look at your best friend saying that they wanted to always work at a wedding dress shop: Utter confusion and worry for the person talking.
"Ok, I'm just going to say it. [y/n], we have been best friend for what seems like forever. You have always been there for me, as have I for you. I've barely survived knowing you were on the other side of the country. I can't lose you, I don't want to lose you. Because I love you. Not in the way you love your mother, like in the way you love someone with like um, romantic... uh feelings."
[y/n] looked at Bill and burst out laughing.
"Um, not the response I was hoping for but ok." Bill said hiding the fact he felt devastated.
"You are such a goof." She said, still giggling. "You should know by now that I love you too!"
She grabbed him by the shirt, smashing her face into his.
Bill felt waves of relief and happiness for what has happened. He fell in so deep.
They both did.

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