Chapter 8: Having a Loose Screw

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-Few Weeks Later, Sapphire POV-

We were in Ms. GoodBitch class watching Jaune get his ass handed to him by the one and only Cardin until they got into a struggle.

"This is the part where you lose."

"Over my dead-" Jaune grunts as Cardin knees him.

As Cardin goes to finish him a buzzer went off calling the match.

"Cardin, that's enough..." Glynda said as she walked forward. "Students, as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune in no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match. Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now, please try to refer to your scroll during combat, gauging your aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more...defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowulf, now would we?"

"Speak for yourself..." Cardin mumbled.

"Remember everyone! The Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing. Those who chose to compete in the combat tournament will representing all of Vale.

The bell rings and I was the first one out of the room heading towards the one place I love, the cafeteria.

-Mini Time Skip, 3rd POV-

"So...There we were...In the middle of the night..." Nora started only for Ren to but in.

"It was day..."

"We were surrounded by Ursai..."

"They were Beowolves."

"DOZENS OF THEM!" She suddenly blurted out startling Yang, Amethyst and Sapphire as they were paying attention to the story.

"Two of'em..."

"But they were no match and in the end...Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!"

Ren sighed. "...She's been having this reoccurring dream for nearly a month now..."

"Wait wait wait...How come you sell Ursa skin rugs if they turn into dust after you kill them..?" Sapphire asked Nora.

"Oh...ugh..." She smiled nervously.

"And without me..." Sapphire faked a depress look on her face as it worked all too well on Nora who burst into tears while pulling Sapphire into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so sorry Sapphire!" She sobbed. "I'll be sure to include you next time.

"Jaune..." Pyrrha spoke to him. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" He directed his attention towards her. "Oh, yeah! Why?"

"It's just that you seem a little...not okay..." Ruby stated.

"Yeah, your attitude is bit of a buzz kill..." Zuwon said now looking at him.

"Eh, guys, I'm fine...Seriously, look!" He gave a thumbs up while laughing nervously.

"You are an idiot." Dominic told him.

There was mocking somewhere else in the cafeteria which drew Amethyst and Sapphire's attention.

"Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school." 

"Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah...He just likes to mess around, you know? Practical jokes!"

"He is a bully." Ruby stated looking a bit annoyed of her friend's denial.

"Oh one time he's 'bullied' me..."

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