What is going on?

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I wake up, my entire body shooting up in an instant whilst I put my hands in my hair, and my knees to my chest.

What the hell was that.

I grab my phone and check the time, 2:46am. Almost 3am. While my heart continues beating as hard as a herd of wild elephants marching, I slowly and shakily get up.
I have to text him.

I open my Twitter and text Darryl.

S=Skeppy B=BadBoyHalo

S: Hey are you up?
B: yeah I was just finishing something up is everything alright?
S: Yeah everything's just fine I was just making sure everything's cool with us.
B: Okay? Why wouldn't everything be cool with us? Did something happen?

Should I tell him? We are close friends but I don't know if he wants to hear about my stupid nightmare. It did involve him so maybe he should know, but..why do I feel so weird now... I slowly walk to my computer and turn it on, whilst remembering the nightmare, shivers crawl down my spine.

B: Hello?
S: Yeah sorry wanna talk in TS?
B: uhh sure give me a second to get on and open it.
S: ok me too

My computer comes on and I enter my password. The screen lights up even brighter and I squint my eyes a bit because it's so bright. I open TS and join his ts. I get moved into a private room.

"Hey what's up, are you okay?" He asks tiredly whilst at the same time sounding concerned for my well being.

"Yeah I just.." I guess I'll tell him.

"Just what? Did something happen? Why wouldn't we be cool?"

"We are we are, I just uhm... had a dream it was no big deal sorry"

"What? What happened in the dream?"

"I was blamed for griefing your server when I didn't do it and you started to hate me. It felt so real"

"That sounds like more of a nightmare I'm so sorry, it's okay though, this is real life and none of that happened" he said, his words laced thick in care. Unlike the anger in the dream.

I was so sad in the dream, I thought he hated me. I thought he would never love me again......wait love?

"Zak? You there? Hello?"

Why would I be thinking about him loving me, I mean as a friend of course but I don't feel like that's what I wanted in the dream. No no I probably just wanted him to love me as a friend yeah it couldnt be anything else.

"HELLO???" I heard him shout through my headphones, snapping me out of my thoughts and making me jump.

"Hey! Sorry I was just thinking about the nightmare. Um it wasnt that bad I think I'm gonna go back to sleep now"

"You sure everything's fine?"

"Yeah sorry haha..I just got scared I didn't have a best friend anymore."

"Aww I'm your best friend"

"Oh shut up. I'm going to sleep goodbye.

"Goodnight sleep well ya little muffin" he says.

A small smile appears across my face.

"Yeah yeah goodnight. Bye" and with that I hung up. The smile fades quickly. I dont think I'm going to be able to go back to sleep. I turn my computer off and go to my bed anyway, I put my earbuds in and turn on the song So High by Blackbear. I stare at the ceiling and listen with my arms spread out.

What am I feeling? Why do I have these feelings. I wish he was here, we could just cudd- NO. Ugh I hate these thoughts. Go AWAY STUPID THOUGHTS. I turn the music up louder and turn on my side.

It's probably just cause of the dream, it's making me feel stupid feelings cause I thought my friend was going to hate me. That's all.

I lay there for what seems like days. After a while and a whole playlist of songs later, I see the light start to appear outside my window. Wow I really stayed up all night. I got a whole 2 hours of sleep. Yay me..


A/N: hi there! I hope this was atleast somewhat interesting? This is my first ever story I'm attempting to finish lol.

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