Chapter 1: I get Kicked out of a Tree

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"It's time to go, Anamaria. Consult the tree of Daphne." sighed Maple. She's the only one that calls me by my real name, Anamaria. By the way, my name is Anamaria Valdez. I'm actually supposed to be dead. My father was discovered and killed by Zeus. I was supposed to be killed too, but at the last second, my dad threw me into a tree. Hey, don't laugh! I said a tree.

The tree nymphs found me and raised me. They're like my family. Maple is the nymph I'm especially close to. She's like a sister to me.

"What? What do you mean, have to go?" Instead of laughing, like her usual self, and said she was joking around, she just got this sad look in her eyes.


I left to go to the tree of Daphne. YES, THE DAPHNE! Sorry, just had to clear that up. If you're wondering, Daphne is another one of the nymphs that brought me up. She's just like Maple, except she is a tree half of the time.

I came upon the tree in a few minutes. It was this huge laurel tree that outshined any of the other trees. "Hello?" I said.

"Yes?" replied a tired voice.

"Um, Maple told me it's time to go, what does that exactly mean?" Suddenly, a shadow emerged from the tree. It was Daphne, all right. But there was something different about her. Her eyes had dark circles around them, and her eyes were now bright red.

"To camp you shall go,

And meet someone you know,

Rescue the son of the snow,

From the -" she was interrupted.

"Whee-ooh, Whee- ooh, Whee-ooh!" screeched an alarm.

"The God-Raid alarm!" said Daphne, alarmed, "Go, find Leo and Calypso but watch out for--" Again interrupted. Satyrs running and Dryads turning into trees.

Bolts of lightning came raining down. Nymphs screaming and being vaporized as storm spirits come raining down. All I can think of is run. I saw Maple's tree burning as her form flickered.

She whispered "I love you" as she faded away. Fires were raging everywhere. I had nowhere to run, and then Daphne appeared. "I will use the last of my power to protect you," She told me. I couldn't run, I couldn't hide, so instead, I blacked out. The last thing I heard was the screams of nymphs and bleats of satyrs.

Peanut_Butter_Baby12: Sooo, you probably haven't read it but if this looks familiar, it's because I wrote this chapter on a different account. Also, check out the co-author MariamGrigoryan2006. Thx!

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