There's a Difference Between "Love" and 'In Love"

Start from the beginning

She loved that her brother and best friend we're together, it was something she thought would be amazing. She knew they cared deeply for one another, but that love they had was not as deep as what the couple had had with their previous lovers.


"It's so weird," Nina laid on top of Derek's king sized bed. The comfy black sheets covered her half-naked skin as she watched in adoration as her boyfriend was getting dressed.

Derek's pack, the Blood-Moon pack wasn't as big as the Moonlit pack. So Derek, being the Alpha has his own room but Nina always stayed with him ninety percent of the time.

"It's strange that you are graduated but still are here," she told him.

"I am the Alpha," he pulled on a black button-up shirt, something that wasn't his style. He looked well dressed. "I'm lucky they're letting me stay here and work as an intern in the administrative building. I almost didn't graduate for all the day we all missed last year."

"At least we'd have more school time together," She pouted. "I'm still stuck for another two years doing awful school work."

"It's not gonna be that bad," he kissed her forehead. She loved this soft side of him. "You should get ready. Don't wanna be late for your first day."

"I don't care about school," she groaned into the blankets.

"I know that Andy will drag you out of this dorm in just that shirt to get you to class."

"Let her," but soon she gave up and got out of bed. Nina walked up to Derek and swung her arms around his neck. "This is just gonna be another stressful crazy year."

"We just need to follow what Andy and Scott said,
'Focus on school and worry about Francesca when she comes to us.'"

"I'm not excited about that. I'm surprised those two don't want to jump on this case," Nina said.

"I guess she's just trying to adjust to your guys mom being the cause of all of our losses," Derek suggested. "How are you holding up?"

"I can't believe it. I'm disappointed that our mom could do this to us, but I just can't shake what my sister is feeling," she honestly felt even worse for Andy. "Of course, our mother abandoned Tom so he's not doing that bad. But my sister looked up to our mom. She tried so hard to do everything perfectly so she could be proud. Our mom always had Andy do more and more of tricks and other stuff to make her stronger. I was jealous of how perfect she had to be. But now we know why."

"You think Andy feels used?"

"That and angry," Nina hugged him tightly. "And that scares me. She tried to keep her cool but I know that she's raging inside. It's just a matter of time before it bursts out."


"Hey," Jay said as she walked into the bedroom she shared with Andy and Kira, finding Andy laying in her bed as she did homework. She held two cups of coffee; one with sugar and the other without.

"Hey," Andy didn't look up, but extended her hand for the cup without sugar.

"So what's the deal with you and Isaac?" Jay sat beside her best friend.

"What do you mean?" Andy finally met the other girl's eyes. Before Jay could say anything she interrupted, "He apologized and we agreed on being friends."

"And that's it?" Jay pushed.

"Of course!" Andy exclaimed. "I'm with your brother."


"And I love him."

"But you're not in love?" Jay suddenly asked, catching Andy off guard. "You especially know the difference."

ELEMENTS: The Final Battle (Teen Wolf AU) (Third Book of the Elements series)Where stories live. Discover now