Chapter 3: Waves of Pain

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  • Dedicated to Denise Wong

Chapter 3


I don't own anything, Richelle Mead does. :P


Tell me what you think :D




 Chapter 3

Waves of Pain

No. How could this happen? Dhampir can't have children together. Maybe it had something to do with me being shadow-kissed? But I have never heard of that before. Not that that said much, Lissa and I were still figuring out what it meant to be shadow kissed

Lissa came back with Adrian and Christian in tow.

"I hope you like Chinese food," she sang.

"I love it." I leaned in closer to her. "I need to talk to you in private later."

"Ok," she whispered. I could feel curiosity and confusion creeping out of the bond at my words.

"Little Dhamphir, what secret are you keeping from me?" Adrian grinned.

"Were you planning to seduce me tonight?"

I snorted, "You wish."

"Of course I do," he winked.

I clasped my hands together and looked down. "So, the great Hathaway has no words to say?" Christian smirked.

Silence greeted him. I could feel Lissa scrambling for a change of topic.

"Rose, you would not believe it!" she exclaimed.

"What?" I asked, wondering what Lissa is going to say and grateful for the distraction.

I really hope it isn't bad news because my mood is already down.

"Tonight, we're gonna have a Masquerade ball," she squealed.

That distracted me from my bad mood.

"Tonight? Wow, but how are we going to get the dresses?" I folded my arms.

"You know, I'd much rather see you naked," Adrian commented.

Before Lissa could reply, Dr Olendzki came back in.

"You may leave now Rose, if you feel sick, feel free to come back again." She smiled and left the room.

"Let's go," Christian complained, "I can't stand to hear another of Ivashkov's comments about seducing or seeing you naked."

"Hey," Adrian said in mock outrage, "I don't say it all the time."

I groaned. How can I going to tell Lissa I'm pregnant with those two hanging around?

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Lissa whispered out of the guy's earshot as we were walking back to the Moroi dorms.

"Can I tell you when we get to your room?" I whispered back.


Once we reached her room, she ushered Christian and Adrian out.

"Shoo." she tried to shut the door.

"Why?" Christian and Adrian whined.

"It's personal and it doesn't concern you" Lissa rolled her eyes.

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