Chapter 18

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Dave P.O.V

I wokeup on the couch with Ari and Kairi laying on me. I picked Kairi up and took her in her room. "Love you daddy" she said as I was about to walk out. "Love you to stink" I said and walked out.

I went out to see Ari sitting up on the couch. "Hey mamas" I said smiling kissing her cheek. She nodded causing me to look at her weird. "We going places today so make sure yall dressed and ready by 12:00" I told her and she nodded again.

1 hour later

Kairi and Ari was in the bathroom showering. I decided go see what was wrong with her since she was just all over me last night. I got her phone and unlocked it with my finger print.

I scrolled through messages between her and my mom first. I wished he loved me. Was what really caught my attention.

I mean I do love her because she is the mother of both of my children. Whether or not one is not biologically hers. But it is hard for me to express that to her. I continued reading and I decided to talk to her about it tonight when I take her out for dinner.

We all got dressed and headed out the house. First we was going to the mall and then we were going to see the new lion king.

When we got back to Ari's house she was still crying over the movie. I tried comforting her but she wasn't having it. She was mainly mad because I was laughing at her. She went in her room and cuddled with her dog snookie or whatever she named it.

I walked in her room after putting Kairi to sleep and layed down with her. I started kissing on her neck and she tried pushing me away. "Mamas why you acting like that" I asked her. "I'm not acting like nothing I just want to sleep" she said and I nodded.

"Make sure your ready by 7:00 we going out" I said and she nodded. She closed her eyes then grabbed her stomache and made a weird sound. "What wrong" I said as I jumped up.

"Your child keeps kicking me and it hurts" she said and cried. I rubbed her back as she continued to cry because I knew she didnt want ms to hold her. She kept crying I grabbed her and pulled her close to me.

"Feel better" I asked and smirked as she nodded. I knew that was the problem because when Kairi mom was pregnant she would kick really hard if I wasn't around as well.

waited till she fell asleep and got up and drove to my house so I could get ready for our date. I called Ari to make sure she wakes up to get ready. Kairi had already went to go to my moms house so we didnt have to worry about her.

I picked put my clothes and layed them on the bed before showering. After I got out the shower I put on a wife beater and some sweatpants before heading out the door. I had to go pick up Ari's gift and I didnt want to be sweating when I did so.

When I got back to my house I changed and put the gifts in the trunk before heading to Ari's apartment.

Ari P.O.V

I was sitting on the floor crying because I couldn't decide on what to wear. These pregnancy hormones have my emotions wild as hell.

Kalani was on the phone trying to help me find something. We finally decided on something. I got in the shower and washed before getting dressed and doing my makeup.

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