meeting his family

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It is a Sunday morning, you and your boyfriend Shawn are on your way to his parents house that is almost an hour away from where you both live in a shared apartment.

"What if I say something stupid?? What if they don't like me? Oh my god they won't like me. I'm so nervous Shawn, I- ca" you couldn't finish your ongoing rant as Shawn cuts you off.

"Can you stop overthinking this? They are going to love you!" Shawn responds with a small laugh, trying his best to comfort you as he knows how much you've been stressing over meeting his family. You bit your fingernails nervously whilst Shawn was driving his jeep, on your way to his parents house. He'd continuously change his glance from on the road in front, to you sitting beside him in the front seat.

"What about Aaliyah? She's so beautiful and pretty". You awed visually at the sight of her. "What if she doesn't think I'm good enough as a girlfriend for you?" you arched your eyebrows at Shawn, the negative thought began to make you feel so worried. You hoped he would again comfort you with his soothing words to calm you down.

You didn't think meeting your boyfriend's parents would be so scary but they insisted for Shawn to bring you along too whenever he's visiting his family during his free time. They couldn't wait to meet you, especially from how much Shawn babbles on about how amazing, beautiful and smart you are. Plus, you were in a serious relationship and they want to be a part of it.

"Seriously? You're worried about getting my little sister's approval?" Shawn snickered at you, cocking his head to the side to see your face before glancing his attention back on the road. He held one hand tightly onto the steering wheel and brought his other hand to his hair and ran his fingers through his chocolate curls, pushing them off his forehead.

"Stop! I'm serious!" you frustratingly responded, shoving his bicep with your hand, mentally thinking to yourself whether this whole night was gonna end well or a complete and utter disaster. Shawn only laughed as a response to your reaction, clearly finding this whole situation quite amusing.

"Babe on a serious note, they are going to think you're so amazing. Why wouldn't they? You are the most kindest and sweetest girl I've ever met". Shawn stated whilst softly gazing into your eyes as if he was trying to make you also believe that was true.

"Let's say the worst case scenario is that they don't like you, which won't happen. That won't change the way how I feel about you. I know how incredible you are and how much you mean to me. That's all that matters, it doesn't matter to me what anyone else thinks." He told you boldly with no hesitation and so confidently.

You couldn't help but blush at how sweet he was being. "Thank you, for always knowing the right thing to say, even though it may not always be true" you responded enthusiastically to him and grabbed at his free hand to place in yours against your lap. Shawn nods his head in disapproval to your statement and playfully rolls his eyes.

Twenty minutes go by, and you are now parking into the driveway of the Mendes's household. It is a beautiful house with a large driveway and the area around seemed so quiet and peaceful.

"Baby, just relax, you can do this" Shawn encouraged you whilst unbuckling his seatbelt and taking the car keys out the ignition. You shot him a look to show you were still afraid but soon closed your eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling to calm down your nerves.

Why is meeting your boyfriend's parents so scary? It's literally worser than a job interview.

Shawn opened his car door and softly shut it before jogging around the front of the car to open yours, a gentleman. He held his hand out for you to hold as you stepped out. You both began walking towards the front door of the house, hand in hand.

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