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Dominique barely slept that night. She was worried about Olivia and Wes the most, and for Jake and Noah of course.

They woke up later since they were told to be ready in eleven. She went to breakfast, when her eyes widened. Phil was almost crying.

She got the free seat next to him and pulled him in a hug, when she saw Shayne sit down too.

"They took Dan and Marcus" he says sadly as she hugs Phil tightly.

"What am I gonna do without him now?" Phil asks as she let's go. She pats his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Shayne will be your pair. He knows how to survive in here" Logan adds sitting across her.

"This crossed all lines. I'm going in, I don't care if they catch me. I'll try it tonight" she says angrily mixing her cereal.

"That's not smart Nique" Logan looks up to meet her green eyes with his.

"I don't care Logan! They can't do this! I won't let them! They can't take poor Olivia, Jake, Wes, Noah, now Marcus and Dan and expect ME to just keep quiet. Oh hell no, that won't work" she says.

Logan sighs seeing she's breaking down but letting only anger show.
"I'm sorry about your boyfriend"

Shayne gave her a look and she remembered she's still 'dating Marcus'.

"Thanks" she just looked down and continued to eat.

"I'll get him out Phil. Then we're gonna split the money, if it even exists, and then we're going home" she says and he sadly smiles, making her nod.


"Today, there will be work in pairs. We'll put you up with another pair so choose your partner pair" Emily says.

Phil looks over to Logan and Nique, seeing her smile and nod, before the two came to them.

Together were also Damien and Courtney with Mari and Flitz.
Ethan and Joven were with Mark and Jack. Lasercorn and Sohinki joined them since the pair number is odd.

"Today, ladies and gentlemen, is the time for SURVIVOR CHALLENGE!" Emily says ans their eyes widen.

"You'll be working with your three or five co-workers, but you'll be in a special pair with a person from the other pair. For example, Mari has to be with Damien, not Amra" Emily explains.

Nique and Phil look at each other as she stood by his side. "You go with Logan, he can help you more. I can help you mentally, but physically no. I will be with Shayne. Besides, maybe I can make him help me with the escape plan" she whispers.

He nodds hesitantly and she gives him a proud smile. They move places so Emily sees theyre mixed up a bit. "Hi Topp"

He chuckles "What's up Barnes" He asks as Emily explains the boring and rules they all know.

"You sound like Stark" she says back smiling making him smile.

"You'll be in a special place where you'll have to survive for 18 hours with real wild animals" she says and they all furrow their brows and look at eachother in fear.

"You and your group will be put on a specific spot by us. You can't have anything connected to survival on you" she adds and they sigh.

"Now please follow us to your prepare rooms"

Every group got their room and they git outfits like they were in a Indiana Jones movie but they didn't comment anything.

They all got dressed up "I guess when it comes to survival Mari knows the most" Phil says and they nod.

"And Wes" she sighs and Shayne gives her a look. She showed more feelings for him than for Marcus and it worried him that somebody would get it.

"And Damien, he plays a lot of survival games" he adds.

"And in here it's Nique" Logan adds.

"I know how to make fire, make a knife, catch a fish and destilate water which takes a long time" she says in an attitude like she's defending herself.

"But we don't, so you're the smartest one here" he adds tying his boots.

She sat down next to Shayne and Phil, putting a hand around his shoulder. "It'll be fine Phil. Just stay close to us" she says and he nodds.

They soon got transported to the secret location, seeing it's like in a movie. A big circular building which looked endless.

They got put on blindfolds and the teams held hands as they got lead the their each locations. Phil squeezed Nique hand when he felt he stepped into something wet.

They got lead to their spot which was just infront of a big beautiful waterfall.

"Take off your blindfolds!"

They did as told and pressed their backs against each other's, seeing they're surrounded by water and trees.

"Let the challenge begin!"

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