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  The knock on my door was soft but unnecessary. My eyes had been open for the last twenty minutes, my body unable to move out of shock that today was finally the day. I had prepared myself for this day for the last five months and now that it was here...I couldn’t believe it.

  I walked past the oversized chair in the corner to stare at the preserved outfit that had been waiting for wear since my eyes glided over the “Congratulations” written in the letter. A ghost of a smile touched my lips as I threw myself into the shower, allowing the hot steamy water to attack my still slightly chilled back. I wiped away the crunchy sleep from the corner of my left eye and hopped a little in place, my nervous energy having nowhere to go.

  Today was the day.  My hops stopped abruptly as my insides clenched. I’m not the nervous type but I couldn’t ignore the rampaging butterflies in my gut either.

  There was something about the day of a trip, the exciting high hopes for amazing memories and the idea that you will finally be exactly where you have wanted to was enough to take my breath away and I wasn't even out of the house yet.

  "Kenzie! Would you hurry up please? Before you leave I would like you to practice piano for a bit. We can't have you going rusty while you are away!" My mom's chirpy voice found its way to my ears even behind the closed bathroom door causing my thought bubble to explode.

  "Ugh..." I restrained myself from rolling my eyes, shut off the shower and finished my morning routine before draping a towel over my soaking hair and descending the stairs two at a time. I slid easily onto the sleek black bench, skipping a greeting.

  She morphed into a vulture as she perched on the arm chair of our couch, her posture straightening, waiting for me to mess up so she could go in for the kill. Her steady beady eyes judging and mentally making corrections as my fingers brushed over the keys I had known by heart since I was nine.

  Mom took in my every move, scrutinizing me under her expert glare. "Don't rush, be steady, and fix your posture. Come on now Kenz, you know how to do this. Kenzie focus!" Comment after comment exploded out of her mouth and it took every inch of my patience to not flip over the innocent Grand Piano.

  I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth to ensure that I didn't start another argument because quite frankly, I wasn't in the mood. I couldn’t have cared less what I was playing; the anticipation of leaving was reaching my scalp and making my still wet hair tingle.

  The fact that my...lovely...parents had said yes to the senior away program was still mind blowing. Every second leading up to this one I had held my breath thinking that right when I least expected it, they would say, “Just Kidding!" and take it all away.

  But now it was too late. I allowed myself to exhale, mentally and physically, my fingers sinking into the ivory keys and playing the tune I willed.

  Turning to look at my mom, there was a glossy look in her eyes and an awkward few seconds ticked off as the last A note echoed through the quiet house. My nose scrunched up on its own, knowing this moment would have happened sooner or later.

  "Mom. We both agreed that you wouldn't do this." She sniffled and I could see a lone tear make its travel down her cheek.

  "I know, I know. It is just that...I can’t bear to let you go. First it was your brother and now you are all grown up and..." She wrung her hands unsure of what to do with all of her emotions. That made two of us.

  "Aww momma." Against my will, I could feel myself getting choked up just by looking at her and slid off the bench to engulf her in a hug. The first few seconds were awkward and tense, but as she clasped her hands around my back she seemed much more like a mother than a vulture. 

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