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Chapter 40: The Final Problem Part 2

J u n g k o o k

I was awaken by muffled voices in the middle of my sleep. I saw Namjoon hyung on my bedside as he was the one shaking me to wake up, I guess. I saw the other members Jimin hyung, V hyung, and Suga hyung inside my room. "What is it hyungs? It is still one o'clock in the morning..." I said as I rubbed my eyes and get up to sit on my bed with my back leaning on the headboard.

"Here..." Jimin hyung said while handing me his phone. "We thought you needed to know that..." V hyung continued. So, I accepted the phone and look at what they were referring to only to find out that it was an article about Twice.

Breaking News!

Twice Sana was reported to be sent to the hospital having a high fever just this midnight. After being spotted being not her usual self in Golden Disk Awards, Twice Sana was admitted at Seoul Medical Hospital these midnight having a high fever. The members Nayeon and the Leader Jihyo was seen in Seoul Medical Hospital accompanying the said member along with their manager. Meanwhile, JYP entertainment released that they will be halting some of the group's schedule due to Sana's absence. ONCEs are hoping and praying for her fast recovery. Get well soon Sana.

I returned the phone to Jimin hyung after reading the article. "You knew about her being sick?" RM hyung asked me while I gave him a shook of my head before getting up and heading to my closet. "The last time we talk was the other day when the false rumor of dispatch was released. I didn't have time to talk to her because of our successive practice for GDA." I said while grabbing a hoodie and pants then heading to my bathroom to change.

"Are you going to visit her?" Suga hyung asked from my bedroom. "Ne!" I replied while changing, after getting done I returned to my closet to grab a pair of socks and a mask then a sunglass. "Why are you guys in my room anyway?" I asked them as I was putting on my shoe. "We were having some late snacks while Namjoon here was talking with her girlfriend on the phone when suddenly the girl panicked on the other line. She told us that Sana – ssi was picked up by the ambulance that Nayeon – ssi had called because her fever went worse." Suga hyung explained.

"We just felt that you need to know it to as her boyfriend..." V hyung continued while tapping my back. "Anyway, don't get caught and be careful..." Jimin hyung said as I gave him a nod before getting up and going out of our dorm. I grabbed a car key in the counter before finally heading to the car park to drive myself to the hospital. Good thing I knew how to drive unlike Jimin hyung and RM hyung.

While on my way I put my phone online trying to contact my wifey's phone. After a few seconds a voice answered. "Hello, Jungkook sunbae?" she asked on the other line. "May I know who is this?" I replied "Oh its Jihyo..." she said. "Jihyo – ssi I am on my way to the hospital right now can you tell me what is the room number of Sana?" I asked her politely.

"Ne, she is in room 398. It is a private room sunbae, I hope you can make your way in there without getting noticed. I am giving you enough time to spend time with her. Me, Nayeon unnie and our manager will be leaving Sana unnie alone for some matters. I will leave her phone on the side table sunbae." she said.

"Thank you very much Jihyo – ssi. I will end the call now since I am driving..." I said "No worries sunbae, just look after our Japanese doll..." she said before finally ending the call. I made the car accelerate towards the direction of the hospital and quickly parked the car in a dim area in the parking space. Then I sneakily went in the building being careful not to be noticed as I tried my best to look for the room number.

I ended up on the fourth floor of the hospital, I checked left and right before finally getting inside her room. There I saw her sleeping peacefully with some medical equipment attached on her. I quickly closed the door behind me careful of not making a noise and made my way to her side.

I took her hand and hold onto them while staring at her, while my other hand caresses her hair. "I am so sorry for not contacting you for a day, if only I did, I would know that you were not feeling well..." I said while regretting why I didn't made enough time to call her or even check on her.

"It's not your fault... It is normal to get sick at times..." she replied weakly as she opened her eyes. "Still, why is there even such thing as cold and fever?" I said while holding into her hand. "I'm sorry for hurting you with the rumor that suddenly popped up... Will you get mad at me if I told you the truth?" she moved her head so she could look at me.

"What truth?" I asked her being curious. "The truth is... is that... I was in that park to meet my best friend..." she started I nod my head "Yes it was stated in the article that you were out to meet your female friend..." I said remembering the details. "Actually, I was there to meet a male friend whom I didn't meet for a long time... He happened to confess to me and attempted to kiss me, but I pushed him away telling that I don't like him and just find someone much better than me. The scene in the picture was the time when he actually confessed to me, but I rejected him thinking of you. I am sorry for not telling you the truth. The reason I got sick is because I did a nonstop practice yesterday to wash off the guilt, I was feeling for lying..." she said while trying to hold back the tears in her eyes.

I hugged her trying to be careful on not to hurt her. "Well, I am not angry just a bit upset maybe but not angry. But I am glad that you rejected him, it is enough for me to hear that you rejected him because you were thinking of me." I whispered into her ears while hugging her.

Then suddenly a strike of light had scattered through the whole room and was followed by shutter sound coming from camera. "Shit, a sasaeng! I thought I was not followed! How could I not lock the room?" I said while trying to hide both of our faces by hugging her tightly and adjusted my position so that they could only see my back as I guided her head to my chest hiding her face.

Good thing that a nurse came into the view sending the sasaeng fan away by threatening her and with the help of hospital guards the sasaeng fan was dragged out of the room. The nurse immediately closed the door and made me sigh in relief before letting go of my anae and faced the nurse to give my thanks.

Is the patient okay sir? I am sorry this happens at times especially when idols are admitted to hospitals. We already took care of the sasaeng fan." She said. I took my sunglass and mask before I turned around, only to see that a female nurse was stunned upon recognizing who I was. "Yes, the patient was okay... Thank you so much for sending the fan away..." I said and gave her a small smile.

"Jeon Jungkook? Are you two dating?" she said with wide eyes as her gaze keeps coming back from me and my anae. "Yes, and can you keep it a secret. We wanted it private as possible." I said before I went back to my anae's side to hold her hand.

"Don't worry, I am an ARMY ONCE too, so your secret is safe with me.... I will ask some guard to have Miss Sana's door guarded from sasaeng fans. And I remind you sir to let the patient rest..." she said before checking Sana's condition and leaving us after. As I tucked her to the bed so that she could sleep, and I made myself comfortable on the couch next to her.

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