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M. Garnet

Dedicated to three special gal friends, so it only seems natural that I write three stories about three women and their loves, no matter how strange love might be.

Since I started these stories some time ago, I had dedicated them to three friends, since there are three sisters in these stories. But we have lost one of our friends, so hopefully she is still enjoying my follies, as she watches over my shoulder.

Now that I have found additional blood sisters I find I want to

add another dedication so the 4th book is to my daughter who

has designed my many great covers.


There were five of them. They tried to dress as casually as possible so that they would not draw attention. Still they

did, three males and two females who were way too good looking, built like TV wrestlers. Of course they would just draw attention.

One of them had received a call from a local blood bank and now they were waiting nearby. It would be closing soon. Their contact was going to be the last one on duty to shut down for the night. That was their chance to get in and buy what they needed.

They were all trying to avoid taking the blood they

needed from humans. It was possible to take blood from humans without killing them, but there was a certain faction who were trying to change and avoid the contact completely. This group was part of that movement. Three of them had been able to live off the blood from blood banks, morgues and animals for years. Two of them were new to this and were still fighting what they had become, but they were trying to resist their urges with the help of the older experienced Vamps.

They stayed in the shadows, splitting up to prevent bringing attention to the gang. Two were in an old car they had parked a few feet away. The others were around in dark doorways or alleys. Finally the lights in the blood bank were turned down to the nightlights only and the front door locked. Their contact would be at the back door.

They slowly made their way to the back alley. The rear door was opened, allowing them entrance to the clinic. They gave cash to the contact and he went forward, starting to pull out bags of blood, putting them into a box. He needed to be careful to pick items that would not be missed.

When the clerk handed over the open box, the male who accepted it started to turn but hesitated. He seemed to freeze up just looking into the box. His nostrils flared as if he'd scented something. Instead of going to the door with the box he set the box down and reached in for one of the bags. A brother tapped him on the shoulder to question him, but by this time he had the bag to his mouth and he had ripped it open with a fang.

Several things occurred at once. The contact screamed when he saw the male turn into what looked like an animal as blood spurted from the bag. The clerk turned to run to the front of the clinic. Up to this point, the mortal had no idea who or what he was selling the blood to and didn't care why. It was just easy money and what they did with it was not his concern. After all, he wasn't selling drugs, so it wasn't that bad, right? But there was something wrong with these people now. They must be on drugs or crazy dope.

The others all got an instant reaction from the smell of the blood. The bag was splashed around as they all first reached, then began to tear into each other to get to the blood. The strength of these Vamps had them throwing each other the length of the room and through one of the walls. A human was hit by one of the bloody males, causing both to sail through the front glass window. Unfortunately, the human died on impact.

A Vamp got up and went back into the clinic, picked up a wooden leg from a broken chair, and attacked an injured Vamp who was on the floor trying to get to the plastic bag. He drove the leg through the chest and heart of the crawling

Vamp and the Vamp gasped. The wood in the right spot turned his body to dust, his clothes collapsing in a heap. The stories in the books were right. Wood could destroy a Vampire.

There was a loud siren as the alarm of the building was sounding, but the Vamps did not seem to hear anything as they fought each other. None of them got any of the blood except for the smell. They were so intent on preventing each other from obtaining any of it that no one got a taste. The strange macabre dance of the fighters drifted into the alley as fewer and fewer of the group remained upright. The final male had enough sense to leave the area as some intelligence penetrated him, probably aware that the police were approaching.

At last the police came and the reports began to drift in, including to a very special group who listened for unusual nighttime activity.

This group sent out some special inspectors to investigate, and the news was not good. It took two days to clean up the mess and wipe the minds of some good cops. It took another week to chase the last male that was running from the mess, and he had to be eliminated. But first he told of the beautiful blood he had smelled that had driven them all into the frenzy.

The story continues as the hunt for the container of the rare blood must be protected....

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