She smiled at her husband like Mei, and looked at her son, "Kato Uzumaki-Namikaze," she said out loud.

Lastly was Anko who gave two big pushes and felt her girls arrive, their cries made her cry as she saw her own little creations for real, she cried happily seeing them.

They were given to Naruto who brought them up to her to see, "look it's our daughters, our babies," he said kissing her head as well.

The first one had purple hair with red tips while the second one had blonde hair with purple tips. Baby one had Anko face but had beautiful blue eyes like her father while baby two had a mix of Naruto and Anko's face but had chocolate colored eyes like Tsunade much to everyone shock.

"You deserve to name them baby," Naruto said.

Baby one will be called Shina, after all i think Shiina Uzumaki-Namikaze would have loved to have had baby sister named after her," she said smiling at him.

He looked at her in shock but then smiled, tears flowing freely from his eyes as he nodded to her.

"And baby Two will be call Nakia Uzumaki-Namikaze," Anko said happily.

"I think they are beautiful names," Tsuande said as she smiled at the tribute to her little brother Nawaki and her first love Dan.

All four Naruto's came together as he looked at his son's and daughters, "besides my family and my wives and Yugi-chan, my children have always been my greatest works of art, Shiina was the first, but now with Kin, Ruto, Kato, Shina and Nakia i can finally make things right," he said kissing his children's foreheads as they whimpered a bit before passing out again.


Out in the hallyway we see Minato, Kushina, Jiraya, Orochimaru, Kaurenai, Asuma and the others as they waited for news. Till they heard the cries of babies and held their breaths as the doors opened up and four Naruto's came out with four babies.

The excitment was all around they all got up too see them, Kushina saw them all and began crying and squealing looking at their faces.

"Oh my god Naru-chan, their sooo beautiful, 'dattebane'," she said making four clones to hold them for a moment.

Kurenai and Asuma got a look at the twin girls and smiled, they were beautiful.

"Asuma, Kurenai, Kakashi, Rin, Obito, Gai, Yuago, Hayate, Genma, Kabuto...Anko, Mei, Shizune and i have decided to make you their god parents, as Kaa-chan, Tou-san, Tsunade Kaa-chan, Jiraya oba-san and Orochinaru oba-san are grandparents," he said to them all.

Excited smiles and talking was heard as they all got to hold the babies, so his girls could rest for a while, his three clones went back into the room and used some nature energy (similiar to the toads but through his Mokuton instead).

Giving them small amounts of it helped heal their wounds a bit faster but they still needed rest.

"You did well sweethearts, our children are simply gorgeous," one clone said as the three kissed them on lips softly and with care. The girls looked up at him tiredly with smiles, "get some rest, i'l watch them and take care of everything," another clone said as they drifted off to sleep.


Next morning came as the babies had been cleaned up, fed and were in little baskets resting up near their Mama's.

Naruto had written to Yagura the baby had been born and he was healthy and happy.

Naruto who hadn't slept in over 24 hours was too excited too, so he just looked out the window, when he hear a soft groan next to him and it was, he turned his to see his first born son whimpering so he went and picked him as he opened his too see his father.

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