The Boys are Back in Town: Twenty - Two

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Anna kept her promise. Krista and Jade never bothered me again. In fact, they were so determined to ignore me that the whispers about me and the boys not only died down, they were completely disregarded. I was able to spend the last few weeks before spring break in total peace.

I never told Alek what Anna told me. Things between us were better than great, and I didn't know how to bring it up.

I told Julia and, with a snort, she said, "Even if you told him, it wouldn't matter. It's not a big deal."


"Yes, really. Besides," she continued. "Alek would have to be an idiot not to know that Jenna has a crush on him. Jenna isn't subtle and Alek isn't an idiot."

"And it's not a secret if there's nothing to tell, right?"

"What secret?" she shrugged. "It's out in the open."

Seeing her point, I let the conversation with Anna drop. The three of them were getting ready to welcome their two friends from boarding school who were coming to visit. Jason used to go home to a town not too far from here, but Alek's other roommate Henry was London born and raised and had only ever been to New York City.

They were planning to go away on a weekend trip a few days after they arrived, and Alek agreed to go on the condition that he share a room with anyone but Jason.

"Come on Alek," I said when he told me. "Put on your big boy pants."

"I'm not being childish," he said. "I'm being cautious."

"Honestly, do you really want Andre and Jason in the same room? That's like seeing two live wires and sticking them together with your bare hands."

"Yes," he shrugged. "But that leaves the normal, level-headed guys together."

I chuckled and patted the ground next to me, kissing him when he sat down. "Your childish side is kind of cute."

"I'm not being childish," he repeated. A moment later, he sighed. "Listen, I'm going to tell you now because I'm sure that this is something he's going to tell you anyway and I'd rather you hear it from me."


"Jason and I got into a fight last summer and we both said and did some pretty stupid stuff—"

"Aw," I said, "You guys broke up?"

He groaned, pinching my cheeks. "You're so cute. No, he retaliated in a way that was purely inspired by what I'm sure was a childhood spent in many summer camps."

"Oh my god," I was laughing already. "What did he do?"

Alek pinched the bridge of his nose. "He put Nair* on the inside of all my boxers."

It took me a while. "Wait, so..."

"Yeah," he said gravely. "Not completely. Just...spots."

If Andre and Adrian could've seen me then. The room was completely silent, save for the slapping of my hand on his carpet and the weird gasping sounds I never knew I could make. My stomach was cramping so hard from laughing that I was crying.

Meanwhile, Alek sat on the floor by his bed waiting for me to calm down. In my amusement, I'd managed to crawl and twitch all the way across his room.

"See, would you trust a guy like that in the same room as you?"

"I think," I replied, struggling for air. "I'm going to like Jason."


Two weeks later, we were on the first day of spring break, and I stood alone in front of the arrivals gate waiting for Alek. Andre volunteered Alek to pick up his old roommates from the airport, and he'd asked me to come along.

He'd gone to park the car, and I was about to text him when I heard two voices arguing—one of them, unmistakably, British.

"No, he said he'd be here—"

"Hold on, look, there's Clair." Before I realized it, the two faces I was looking at were smiling and waving at me.

"Ah," said the dark-haired one. "There you are, let's have a look at you then." And without preamble, he pulled me into a hug and pecked my cheek as pulled away. "Damn it all to hell, Henry, he's even got perfect taste in women. Can you believe it?"

I blushed. "Erm, hello. How did you guys know it was me?"

"Please," Jason said. "Alek practically had a shrine in our room."

"Hello, darling," the outrageously pretty blond one said, kissing both my cheeks. "I'm Henry."

"Yes," I grinned. "And—Jason?"

"Knew he couldn't resist telling you about me," Jason said with a wink. His eyes were the kind of green that inspired envy. "Where is Alek anyway?"

"He's just looking for parking, he should be here any minute," I said. "Are you guys hungry? There's a new café at the end of the terminal."

Jason fairly lit up at the mention of food. He tucked my arm into his and used his free hand to pull his suitcase. "Lead the way, I'm starving."


Alek found us twenty minutes later over sandwiches and coffee, and when Jason saw him he jumped out of his seat. "Alek!" he exclaimed, holding out his arms.

The corner of Alek's mouth twitched, but he raised an eyebrow. "Hello. I see you guys made it. Alive."

"Come here," Jason said, throwing his arms around Alek. "Happy to see me, are you? I tell you, Clair, I always had to make the first move with this frigid bastard."

I choked on my drink, and Henry delicately patted my shoulder.

"All right, Alek?" Henry said, smiling. "You're looking better."

Alek palmed Henry's hand and leaned forward to give him a hug. Jason's rolled his eyes in outrage. "I've been good, thanks."

Jason sat down next to me, a seat Alek was about to take, and slung an arm over the back of my chair. "You know, he's always shown favoritism. Sorry, Henry. When you guys have kids, you'll see."

I cleared my throat, embarrassed. "Uh-huh."

Alek reached across the table and flicked him on the forehead. "Do you ever shut up?"

"This is mild for Jason," Henry said to me.

Jason grabbed Alek's hand. "I know you've been lost without me, but I'm here now. No one knows your true colors as I do."

"True colors?" I said, bemused.

"Yes," Jason said sadly. "He's an absolute bitch—"

Alek yanked his arm away, disgusted. He shot me a pleading look. "Do you see what I had to live with for two years?"

"Two years," Jason sighed. He leaned into me and whispered, "I have a lot of stories."

* Nair is a hair-removal product.

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