Location-Chapter 5

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Four fifteen in the morning. Lorin is sleeping on the staircase; I am half asleep sitting on the floor by the doorway. Ever since Castor found the last key, all he did was read Tranzlations. He would look around every five pages. I don't know what he is doing but he better make it quick. At five o'clock my dad comes down to work. He hasn't gone to the portal yet with all five keys. I guess maybe he must read the rules and regulations first or something.

Fifteen minutes passed leaving only a half hour for Castor to make a move. Finally, he picked up the first key he found in the tan box. Walks over to the portal and plugs it in. He turns it left and the portal changes from a green glow to a yellow. He then goes back and gets the second key, the key up on the ceiling fan wing. He did what he had done before. He walks over and turns the key to the left, from a yellow glow to an orange. He repeats the same thing for the third key, making the orange glow turn to neon pink. That color was the brightest of all! I think it even woke Lorin. When Castor plugs in the fourth key, it turns from neon pink to a very dark brown color. This is weird 'because I never saw a brown light before. Then lastly, Castor walks over to the fifth key, which was hidden behind the Earth picture. He plugs the key into the last lock on the portal. He slowly turns it and it made a little click sound. That must have triggered the portal. The lights changed back to a dark blue color. But that's it. Nothing else happened. I expected to see a whole another world appear through the portal. But, no. I don't know why not, either something is wrong or it doesn't really work, my dad lied to all of our faces.

Castor ruffles through some pile of papers and pulls out a tiny folded paper. He unfolds it to a hug map-like looking thing. Oh, wait its blueprints of the portal! Castor repeatedly looks from the blueprints and back up to the portal. He did that several times until he finally made another move. He takes the third key and turns it from left to right. The portal changes from a dark blue glow to a bright blue. Then he takes the fifth key and does the same thing. But the color remains the same. He walks around the portal just hitting what it looks to me, random buttons, but to Castor, maybe they are not random.

Four forty-five a.m. Fifteen more minutes 'till the scientist comes down.

The portal all of a sudden lights up to a very fluorescent yellow color. I didn't see what Castor did to make it change. I see him push in a red button.

Oh, my God. I couldn't believe my eyes! I look at the portal, and I see a whole new world looking back at me! Castor was standing in front of the portal. He turns around and he grins! Yet his eyes remained grey. Lorin was awakened by the extreme brightness of the portal. "Castor! Oh, my God you got the portal working!" I excitedly spoke. "Yes. I have!" Castor spoke at last.

Lorin comes down the stairs rapidly. "Holy crap! Castor! You got it! " Lorin shouted. Lorin and I ran over to Castor, we both gave him a really big hug. Castor, yeah he did the worst thing possible but look what curiosity does to you, it makes you do things that's no good! Like I said before, I'm pretty enthused on going to these worlds!

"C'mon! What are you guys waiting for! Hop in!" Castor shouts with so much excitement. He grabs a tiny device, and Tranzlations. I grab my cell phone, even though I have no one to text at five in the morning. Oh shit! It's five! I just realized that! "Guys! Hurry! I hear dad's footsteps from upstairs!" I yelled. Castor did the honors and walked in the portal first, then I was right behind him, and Lorin was right behind me.

Yes, we are not in Earth anymore. We are in some other dimension. I don't know what it's called, or how we get out of here. All I know is that, were not on Earth. Castor pushes some button on that little device he brought and the little doorway we came through closed up. "Castor! Why did you do that! How are we going to get out of here?!" Lorin screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2010 ⏰

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