Chapter 18

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'Dear Anna,

I miss being friends too. You didn't do anything, it was some stupid problem I made up in my mind, and I'm sorry. If you wanna talk, could you meet me in my cell tonight?

By the way, thank you for the birthday presents and letter. It was really sweet of you to do that even though I was being a jerk to you.

I love you.

Love, Carl.

P.s. Time really does fly. It was just yesterday I was waking up to some old guy and his gorgeous daughter taking care of a bullet hole in my stomach.'

What should I do? Oh who am I kidding. I'm meeting Carl in his cell. I don't care if he was a jerk to me. I want to forgive him, and he's finally saying sorry.

I'm exhausted from my hunting trip with Daryl, although we don't have much to show for it. There seemed to be barely any animals in the woods today.

The temperature must have gone up to at least 100 degrees today, although it's only the last day of April. I feel hot and sticky, but I can't take a shower because the pump for the water broke, and we have to find a new one to replace it. Perfect timing.

So now all I can do I wipe my skin down with a wet rag, and try to scrub the blood and grime off. Gross. I've actually done a pretty good job though on making myself clean, but I still feel really hot. At least I know I don't smell though, because I put on a layer of my fruity smelling deodorant.

Now currently I'm wearing a pair of Nike pros, a blue sports bra, and a mesh tank top over it, all of which I found today at some random house we came across. I feel a little bit immodest, but it's either that or die from heat stroke.

I throw my hair up into a messy high up pony tail and look in the mirror. Luckily I don't look sweaty at all, and the outfit, besides showing just a tiny bit to much skin, is cute.

I think back to what the letter said. But mostly the 'I love you' part. I mean I said it first, and maybe he was just saying it back to not be weird, but something inside me wants to believe he actually meant it like I did. He also called me sweet and gorgeous, so that's gotta mean something, right?

I look at my watch and notice it's already 10:30. Almost everyone has gone to bed. I've only been back for half an hour. When I came in here I found the letter folded up and placed on my pillow.

I begin to walk to Carls cell all the way in 'A'. I wish he would go back to sharing a cell with me. That was so much fun. For how many times we've moved in and out of each other's cells people must think we're crazy.

I stop a few cells down from Carls, and take a deep breath and clear my head. What if things don't go well? I need a drink of water. I tip toe past his cell. A dim lantern is lighting it up slightly, and the door is closed with the curtain down, but I know he's still awake.

I walk past it and into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. It's surprisingly cold, so I hold it up against my face for a few seconds, and then drink the whole thing.

I make my way back to Carls cell. Alright. This is it. I let out a deep breath and walk inside, swinging the door open and shutting it behind me.

Carl lays on his bed with a comic book, with nothing but a pair of black shorts on, revealing his perfectly tan skin and muscles. I mean I get that it's hot out, but if he knew I was coming to talk to him, why would he take his shirt off. Not that I'm not enjoying the view. I look down at my own clothes remembering that I'm pretty much wearing as little clothing as possible too.

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