Gosh My Hair Smells Good

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All people could talk about for the rest of the day was my little showdown with Dumb. I'm calling him Dumb now because he is dumb and his name has the word dumb in it which means he is now officially Dumb.

I want to say that to his face, maybe something along the lines of "Hey Dumb, how you doing?" or"Yo Dumb how you feeling? Dumb?" that would be kind of funny. I want to say that to him next time I see him.

Lots of people kept bombarding me with questions at what happened in the Hall and why I was holding a spatula. I got lots of weird looks about the spatula, so did Mia and Rory and the three of us simply answered "It's the new fashion" if they asked anything about the spatulas.

I could see Lily making these glances at me. I could tell she was getting ready to tear my hair out if I didn't tell her at the end of lessons.

I sighed knowing I would have no choice but to tell her something in order to satisfy her curiosity.

"So what really happened in there Scarlett?" She said this in a calm tone but I could hear the curiosity and a tinge of annoyance at my previous refusals to answer her question.

I sighed, "Dumb pissed me off, so I just stood there staring at him because I was bored and it looked fun. Then suddenly everyone surrounded us for some reason, I think they were surrounding me because they all think I have nice hair." I leaned to the side and lifted my hair to my face and sniffed. "My hair smells of strawberries," I said happily then turned to annoyed, "Naughty strawberries! You should stop trying to get so much attention by spreading your heavenly scent everywhere and attracting everyone to me!" I ended up talking to my hair as you can probably imagine.

Lily stared at me like I was mental. Perhaps I am a bit mental, well maybe that's an understatement. I am very mental but hey that's part of the job description. Wait-what job description I didn't apply for a job or did I? I know I didn't so I don't know where all the crap about job descriptions came from but no one's complaining so it's all good.

Even the teacher were looking at me oddly, scrutinizing me as if I was going to start another showdown between the the two of us.

Later on at about 6 pm another student came up to me. It was a first year and he looked breathless as of he'd been running for a while and really fast. "Dumble-huff-dore-huff-wants-huff-you-huff-to-huff-go to-huff-his office" he wheezed.

I stared at him like he was absolutely mad because all I could make out was that Dumbledore wanted me to huff on him? " Did you say Dumbledore wants me to go to his office and huff on him?" I asked incredulously.

It was his turn to look at me like I was mental. "No, I said Dumbledore wants you to go to his office now" he answered.

"Oh, why didn't you say that in the first place?" I said in understanding.

"That is what I said!" he cried.

"Sure you did" I said dismissing him. I walked to Dumbledore's office already knowing what it was about. Oh well, it was my fault so let us face the fireworks together or whatever it is they say in cheesy as heck movies.

"Hey Dumb how you feeling? Dumb?" I said the moment I entered. I looked around in confusion, where was he? He was the one who wanted me to come here so why would he leave me here? Who cares, this is my chance to get up to some mischief.

I saw three large bowls of sweets and grinned to myself.

I put lots of different gruesome hexes attached to each and every sweet. I can only hope that not only Dumbledore eats it. Maybe a kid who was sneaking a little sugar.

You know I never expected Dumbledore to have such a sweet tooth.

I turned to hear some odd sound. Like a squeak or something. I turned and saw a magnificent red phoenix perched on a golden pole.

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