Her warning sent the air rushing out of my lungs. If there was any doubt there is none now. I am officially at the top of her wanted list.

"Is there a way to change your mind?" I knew it was a pointless plea but I had to try for Violet and Foster's sake.

"Bring me the girl and I may consider letting your friends live." Katherine mused. "You not so much."

"The girl?" I swallowed hard. "You mean Abby?"

Katherine laughed. "My terms will expire at midnight. Give my best to my daughter." And with that the line went dead.

I stared in disbelief at the phone in my hand. What am I going to do now? Katherine has known my destiny since day one and because of my ignorance I've played right into her hand.

One thing I know for certain is Katherine Roswell will not be getting her murderous hands on Abby or my friends.

I really should warn Violet and Foster about Katherine's threats but doing so make sway their decision. As much as I want them to choose Abby's side. The decision has to be made by them alone.

My best course of action right now is none. I might as well go play high school student for the day. The ride back across town was peaceful mainly because I stuck to all back roads on the way to school.

The parking lot was partially empty so I spotted Abby's car easily. I parked my bike two rows behind her car and waited as she gathered her books off the front passengers seat. My eyes continuously scanned the parking lot for signs of danger.

"Oh not you too." Bailey laughed. "The princess captures another heart." She leaned back on the car next to me. "You do know it will never work right?" She asked.

I followed her line of sight to where Abby now stood outside her car talking to Vince. Why does everyone keep jumping to the same conclusion? And why does everyone keep calling her a princess?

"I think you're confused." I slung my newly purchased bookbag over my shoulder. "Abby and I, are strictly friends." I added to clear up any of the misconceptions.

Bailey snickered. "Yeah. We'll see."

Okay. I'm done. There is no point in arguing my point when her mind is obviously made up. I started across the parking lot trying to ignore the fact Bailey was skipping along next to me.

To further grate my nerves she was humming an obnoxious tune as she went. It kind of sounded like pop-goes-the-weasel.

I successfully made it to the break in the fence before my level of patience had been reached. I spun around. Bailey frozen in place with a luminous smile on her face.

"What are you doing?" I shouted at her.

She raised a single brow. "The same as you."

"Which is what exactly?"

Bailey giggled. "Umm going to class."

"Can you do it a bit quieter?" I asked.

She placed her finger over her lips and started tiptoeing past me out the gate. I didn't want too but I couldn't help but laugh at her silliness. "Bailey." I called out. "Wait a second."

"Yes?" She paused.

"I shouldn't have shouted at you." I said. "I'm Sorry."

She shrugged. "No biggie." Her eyes lit up. "Did you get the packet done in Mr. Riker's class? I had trouble coming up with an answer for number seven. What did you get for it?"

We had Mr. Riker's third period for Calculous. In all the excitement I had forgotten about the packet. Well so much for the perfect student image Foster had painted for me.

The Roswell Coven: Circle of Terra Where stories live. Discover now