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Side Note: This continues from Jintsuu's POV from the previous chapter.

Now that I think about it, I should've saved him from the start before he sacrificed himself to defeat Enterprise. However, with the disastrous events that happen before I met him, he wanted to end it all. He didn't want to suffer from Enterprise or anyone who wishes to kill him in their own hands. But at long last, the battle was over. Everything fell silent after I shut my eyes. Everything was back to normal or so as I thought to be.

Timeskip (2 days later)

???: Ah, you're finally awake.

I opened my eyes and got up slowly. I looked around the room I was in and then looked at my hands. It had bandages wrapped most of the fingers.

???: Easy there, fellow Crimson Axis friend. You have been knocked for quite a while.

Jintsuu: That voice, it sounds familiar...

I looked at the figure who was leaning on the doorway. I recognized the figure. From the hair, the eyes, and a small mole that was on the side of the breasts. I did not like the way she's looking at me with her eyes.

Jintsuu: Prinz Eugen, why are you here? You're supposed to be dead, same as that priority ship, Roon.

Prinz Eugen: What are you talking about kommerade?

Jintsuu: You were killed, in an attempt to bite me and Takao's head off back at the Iron-

My head was starting to hurt in a matter of seconds. It felt like pins and needles were impaled inside of my head from an unknown presence. Prinz Eugen rushed towards me and tried to calm me down.

Prinz Eugen: Oi, everything alright?

I couldn't respond to her because the pain inside of my head is getting worse than before. I shut my eyes and attempted to bear through this agony.

Jintsuu: *grunts*

Prinz Eugen: Speak to me, kommerade!

The pain suddenly stopped after I heard Prinz Eugen's voice the second time. I slowly opened my eyes and took some deep breaths to calm myself down.

Prinz Eugen: What's wrong?

Jintsuu: I remember... I was... at Midway...

Prinz Eugen: Injured after your Kommandant self destructed. It's a good thing we found you.

I stared at Prinz Eugen coldly. I despise the fact she always placed her index finger where her mouth is.

Jintsuu: I'll tell you one more time, you were supposed to be dead.

Prinz Eugen: Bismarck revived me the day after the battle you partook. She told me to watch you until you recover after we transported you back here.

Jintsuu: And where's Bismarck?

Prinz Eugen: Back at the Iron Blood HQ.

Jintsuu: But who were those people? Those Commanders...

Prinz Eugen: Oh those guys? Funny that you mentioned it, they were just doing their job, taking out yanderes.

Jintsuu: So you know them.

Prinz Eugen: Yep, Kusanagi Tekaru, KingPEKKA, and John Collins.

Jintsuu: And I don't suppose shipgirls can handle more than one job?

Prinz Eugen: I'm uncertain of that. Why did you ask though?

Jintsuu: *sighs* I ran into Littorio at Midway, a battleship from a new faction. But she was formidable, so I had no choice but to destroy her.

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