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If there are any other things you see a pattern in and want people to correct just comment them here or message me and I'll post them on here.
Also, if you're ever confused about how you're writing something just message me and I'll help you fix it so it's correct and much more enjoyable for your readers 🙂😚

I am by no means a Jesus at grammar. I haven't even graduated high school yet but, I was obsessed with it throughout elementary school for some reason (it's probably because I was a weird gifted kid who also liked greek mythology and norse mythology a little too much). If I use a word wrong or throughout my little notes I throw in I use slang like "imma" or "u" instead of "you" and so on, please don't throw a table at me! I'm just used to texting/typing on my phone one way compared to writing an essay etc., but, if there is a problem just comment it or tell me and I'll fix it! I'm not doing this to get angry or make fun of people who don't know. English is a difficult language! I'm just doing this for those people so if they are confused or making a mistake maybe I can help them!
Love you all! 💕💕


Writers, please readOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora