Chapter 5 - Revised

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Although the radiant heat shimmered atop the wedge-grass from the cripplingly high temperatures, Kan was thrilled her link with Mata meant she stayed as cool as him. She'd stuck her hand out of the shade to check if the protection extended to her skin, but felt the familiar burn within the normal few minutes. Mata sent her waves of regret at the frustration that she still couldn't be free in the sun like the man before her.

Favid's anger about the muzud nestled around Kan's neck rivalled the scorching heat of the midday-Plains sun. Every now and then he'd adjust the bow across his back and throw a scowl at her over his shoulder. His long stride meant she was forced to almost run to keep up as he strode off through the grass in a seemingly random direction. Everywhere she looked was just a sea of waving golden wedge-grass, but Favid walked with the confidence of a man who knew every inch of his territory.

Her stomach flip-flopped watching Favid stalk along with the grace of a cat. It was hypnotic how he slipped between the individual plants as if he were no thicker than a yearling-sapling.

She tried not to focus on the breadth of his shoulders or the strength in his legs as she watched him in order to learn how he moved so stealthily through the grass. It was important she increase her skills, she told herself. However, despite Mata's cooling effect, she found herself feeling increasingly warm the longer she watched Favid walk.

Glancing back to see how far they'd come reinforced her decision to learn how to walk like a Plains person. Stretching back miles to the foot of the mountains was a swath she had clearly cut through the grass. Yet her untrained eye couldn't detect where Favid had passed. She made a mental note to ask for tracking lessons as well, as she'd quietly said, "Nuts!" looking at her obvious lack of skill.

"What is the matter?" Favid said sharply, turning around.

Kan's breath caught at his intense beauty. His black brows were lowered over gold and black brooding eyes, and his well-defined lips were pressed into a thin line. With his golden skin and black and gold hair, he would probably be hidden completely if he ducked down in the wedge-grass. Which, just like her light green skin of one who dwelt among the shade of the Dell-trees, was just as the Web intended.

Kan gestured over her shoulder. "I just noticed that I'm leaving a huge trail behind me. And you're not. Would you please explain how you move through the grass like that? It's a skill I need to learn."

Favid strode back to where she stood, stopping just slightly closer than was socially acceptable for someone addressing one of her station and looked down his nose at her.

"Please," she added and felt stupid for it immediately. She was an Ayer. She gave orders, others jumped. She never abused her position, but she'd also never near-pleaded like she'd just done. What was it about this man that had her so unsettled she'd forget herself like that?

He considered her coolly, and she felt a blush rise when she lost the battle to not look down at how the quiver strap pressed his shirt against his chest, pulling apart the laces that held it closed near the top. Favid's eyes were blazing when she met them again. He traced the curve of her face with his gaze, raising goosebumps all over her. She absently noted that Mata began purring.

In that moment, the man fated as her Cho Para mate didn't matter. Only her and Favid. Her body tensed in desperation to have him cup her cheek. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, trying to push down desires she'd never bothered to ask Ain about dealing with, because it wasn't expected she'd have to control them. Situations like this just didn't happen to Ayers. She breathed in deeply to calm herself - and was lost in the scent of Favid.

At the slight rustle from a nearby wedge-mouse, her eyes popped open.

The muscles on Favid's neck were corded with the rigidity he was holding himself with as he stared at her lips.

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