As for the people, their way of life switched within the Communist country. The government began restricting access to the internet and modern technology, as well as controlling all media and news. The people became segregated. The rich were allowed to live in large cities where life was advanced and modern. The poor were forced to live in outlying towns, where they starved and scraped coins off the ground. A new revolution was impossible, as the military remained on the side of the government, seeing as they were treated well.

While the people suffered, the government continued to plan things behind closed doors. Plans formulate. Actions are decided upon. Goals are made.

The objective of the government is simple: to rebuild the Soviet Union.

It started with the Russian government trying to take over land that once belonged to the Soviet Union before it broke up in 1991. Essentially, Russia wanted to take over many of the countries on their West and South-West border. The only problem is these countries are now independent and probably have a lot of issues with Russia attempting to swallow them whole in the pursuit of reuniting the Union. 

Alas, nothing stays a secret. The rest of the world was quick to catch onto the Russian government's plan.

This was, of course, taken as a threat to all the countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance — a treaty Russia is not apart of — which consists of many Western countries. If the Soviet Union rose up once more, Communism would follow shortly, which in turn would lead to many new wars similar to those in the past.

NATO countries desperately warned the Russian government several times to stay away from their lost territory. The United States became the main enforcer of such credence, constantly making threats of war. Did America want to go to war? No. But did they want to see the Soviet Union rise? Double no. 

For a while, it seemed fine. Both Russians and Americans lived life normally with little thought of what was to come. Well, it seemed that way on the surface. Within the walls, both countries were preparing their militaries for conflict. Russia intended to start it, America intended to end it.

In 2056, the Russian military invaded Ukraine — a country that used to be a part of the Soviet Union. The unsuspecting country fell almost immediately under the skilled and prepared Russian military, and the Soviet Union took one step closer to returning to its formal glory.

The world watched as members of the United Nations (UN) struggled to decide what to do. Because of the NATO alliance, all NATO countries would (in theory) be required to defend Ukraine (a fellow NATO country) and immediately declare war on Russia. The Ukrainian ambassador begged for military and economic assistance from its allies like it was promised when entering NATO. Ukraine was unable to help itself because the Russian Army, Air Force, and Navy completely crippled their military bases and arsenals. Ukraine desperately needed help.

Alas, declaring war on Russia was proclaimed as drastic at the time. Draconian. Overkill. Instead, peace talks were planned with the Russian President, Anatoly Ivanovich.

While most members of the UN were optimistic about the talks, America was not. The American President, David Eaton, was quick to denounce the decision NATO reached and swore that Russia would pay for the chaos they stirred. 

It was at this moment the world held its breath, preparing for war to break out. All the forest fire needed was a little spark, and that little spark came in the form of a certain boy.

Many blame the Russian President's young son, Nikolai Ivanovich, for pushing America's buttons when he publically said, "America and their presidents have a history of being scared, little isolationist bitches. I am not afraid. I dare President Eaton to try something."

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