Chapter 16: Just Come Home

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Going to town was out of the question, the two girls would realize soon after they left the castle grounds. After all, it hadn't been all that long ago when Catra had started a fight at the marketplace. If they wanted to keep the peace, and remain undiscovered, they would have to either stay away from civilization completely or find a place no one would pay them any attention.

Not the easiest task for a wanted criminal and She-Ra, the Princess of power herself.

This is a bad idea, Catra thought. It wasn't like Adora to act on impulse like this. Sneaking out of the castle on a whim, without even a plan? It was reckless and something that both troubled Catra and piqued her curiosity.

"So where are we going?"

"Don't know," Adora shrugged, leading the way through the forest. "Why, do you have a preference?"

"You know this place better than I would," Catra admitted. As they walked, she kept her eyes on Adora. The latter was holding it together well, but her mind was preoccupied with much more than navigation. Her talk with Glimmer, her troubles with the rebellion...she shook her head a little. This whole venture was supposed to be a distraction.

Catra hated not knowing what was going on in her head. She had thought they had gotten comfortable enough to share everything again but Adora was being particularly stubborn this time around. It couldn't just be the princesses, could it?

Just another reason not to join the rebellion, Catra thought to herself half-heartedly. For so long she had worried Adora was happier with these people, and while there was no denying she belonged in Brightmoon instead of with the Horde, could she really say Adora was happy?

A few steps ahead of her, Adora tripped on an overgrown root. Jumping up to her feet and trying to play it off, she shot Catra a dorky smile.

"Nice one," Catra snorted. "And here I was thinking that I'm the one who can't walk."

"It's all fun and games until I need to steal your walking stick," Adora wiped the dirt from her pants, falling back to Catra's side.

"It's not a walking stick," Catra corrected, and even though she sounded annoyed, on the inside she was only thinking about that stupid smile.

Alright, she's not unhappy necessarily, Catra reasoned. She was still the Adora she knew and lov— grew up with. But in the Horde, they only ever had to worry about each other. Small threats seemed so big then. Now, all of the real problems feel as if they're closing in, and out of all the people in Etheria, Adora got saddled with fixing everything. 

Why does it have to be her?

It was a selfish thought. But walking side by side, hands occasionally brushing, just the low hum of the forest life...this was simple. There was nothing out here, no problems, and Catra could forget that the only reason she was in these woods was to distract Adora, could forget the dull ache in her side, felt as though if she were to throw aside her staff right then, running off into the forest without a care in the world, she could be certain Adora would follow and they'd never look back.

"I think there's a town up ahead," Adora said, pointing to their right. "I can't remember the name but I think Glimmer told me about it before. Apparently they have some really good food."

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