"I'm pretty sure he noticed but let me off the hook." "Hm." "If you guys tell him..." I threatened. "You won't do anything." I grumbled in response.

"Do you guys need help with anything?" I asked, slightly irritated. "Uh... yeah actually." "Could you help with moving the cannons?" "Yeah."

We worked on moving the cannons for around an hour and a half. There were a lot of them but the four of us moved them at a decent rate. It wasn't until we finished when I started feeling light headed. 'Shit,' I thought.

"Whoa Hamilton... you look worse." "Wow Thanks." I deadpanned. "No- seriously... maybe you should rest." "John. I'm fine." "You don't look like it. You look like you might pass out."

"I'm not-" I felt bile rise up my throat but pushed it away. "I'm- fine guys." They gave me a 'we don't believe your bullshit' look.

"I'm gonna go work on some letters." I said, trying to get away from the situation.

As soon as I got back to my cot, I had to grab a bucket- thank god it was there. I groaned as I wiped my mouth on my jacket sleeve.

"I forgot how much I hated being sick..." I mumbled to myself. "Hamilton? Are you ok?" Shitshitshit it was Washington! 

"Uhm- never better!" "You've already said that earlier." He knows how I choose my words carefully when speaking. "Give me a second!" I threw the bucket in the corner and told him to come in. He raised an eyebrow at the way I was standing. I was leaning on the wall with an awkward smile.

 I was leaning on the wall with an awkward smile

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"Heyyy sir." "Are you ok?" "Of course!" Oh crap too much enthusiasm. I broke out into a fit of coughing.

He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. And I'm not the general," he said sarcastically. "Is that a bucket of puke Hamilton?" "No sir." "You're not a good lier." I puffed out my cheeks with a blow of air. "I know..."

"Tell me what's going on." "Uhhhh..." "That was an order Hamilton." "Ok ok jeez. Uhm... I'm sick." "No kidding Alexander. How sick? Fever? Cold? Flu? Fatal?" "I-Uh-I don't know sir." "I'll fetch a medic." "No sir you don't need-!" He walked out. I internally groaned. "Just my luck."

All of a sudden, I started getting dizzy. I sat down on my cot as things got more and more blurred out.

Ok screw this I'm going to sleep.

What felt like seconds later, I cracked open my eyes to the sound of talking and a cold, wet cloth on my forehead.

Everything sounded like it was underwater. Weird.

"Will he be alright?" "Yes just a cold General. Though, if you want a full recovery out of him, he should stay in that cot for the next... I'd say... twenty four- forty eight hours..." "ok thank you." "Anytime sir. I'll have you know you caught him just in time. If it got any worse, it could've become fatal to the lad." Washington hummed thoughtfully.

"Anyway, I wish the best of recovery for your boy." "Thank you."

"So Alex. A talk?" "Damn it. You can tell I'm awake?" "No. Just wanted to see if you'd answer and prove to me you were awake," he smirked. "Welp. I suck at this." "I'm taking you heard the doctor." "Yes sir." "It could've gotten fatal Alexander. What would've happened then? Loosing you? What about your friends?"

"My deepest apologies sir." He sighed. "Enough with the constant sirs and stuff. We're alone just talk. How do you feel?" "Like complete shit but by the looks of it, I'll live." I smirk pulled at my lips as he raised an eyebrow as if saying, 'excuse me?'

I laughed. "Sorry sorry." There was a moment of silence. "Why do you do this?" I asked. "Do what?" "This. All of this. Care about me." "Son. I look after the people I care about. You're one of them. I take care of my family." "Thanks Washington..." I said with a soft smile.

Family. That was new.

It was nice.

Words- 1181

How long have I been gone for this book? 3 months now? I'll be honest with you I kinda forgot about it. Again, I'm so sorry TheGayFriends

Anyway, it's 3:30 and I'm up writing bc why the hell not ya know?

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