Chapter 11

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I came back from a week job with Sada, I couldn't find that idiot anywhere. I walked down the street I was in, and looked to see if they were in their usual spots, such as in a bridge or a park.

I checked all over the mall, no trace of them. I then decided to go on to Lord Tenji's shrine to ask if they knew where the idiot was.

I spot him talking with his regalias in the entrance and run over to them, they spot me and turn towards my direction.

"Tenji, do you know where Yato is?" I asked. He looked down and closed his eyes while holding his chins in a cup motion, he was thinking.

"No, I haven't. Why? Has he gone missing?" He asked curiously.
"I can't find him anywhere around the city, but if any of you see him call or text me" I say, before turning around and running off to the opposite direction.
"Will do, good luck" Mayu said while waving at me.

"Where on earth is he?" Sada asked me, I only grunted,
"I'm not sure, maybe Kofuku and Daikoku might know?"
"Its worth a try" he replies.

After a while of running, I take a small break to catch my breath, I then decided to allow Sada to take a break from his wepon form.

"Seddi!" I call, he then turns into a boy.

"We're almost at Lady Kofuku's place, just a bit more running" Sada states, I nod in response, and was we both started running to Kofuku's place.

I open the door rather loudly and both of them turn to me.

"Y/n-kun~ it's good to see you're back! What's up?" Kofuku asks and she hugs me tightly.
"Have you two seen Yato, or Yukine?" I asked,
"No, why?" Daikoku comes out of the kitchen area.
"We can't find them, and we've looked all over the city" Sada explains.
"Oh no, that horrible! Have you tried asking other Gods around the city?" Asked Kofuku, I nodded at her as she looked at us worriedly,
"I'm sure he'll show up sooner, maybe he's out doing a job?" Daikoku stated, I nodded in disagreement,
"Yato always text and sends me a picture of him doing a new job, he likes to show me his 'accomplishments'" I sigh in frustration.
"Thank you guys anyway" I say, before leaving.


I sat down in the park's bench, I had been looking for Yato for 2 hours, but not a trace of him was left behind. I had tried texting and calling him multiple times, but to no avail.

Sada was in his wepon form, he had gotten tired of running and walking. I got up and walked down a not-so-busy street, a truck full of products passed by, and I looked at the dark alleyway behind it, my eyes widen.

"Nora" I say in horror.

She smirks at me, she had been holding a familiar mask on, I furrowed my eyes,
Before I could do anything another car passed by and Nora was no longer there, I blinked my eyes in an owl like manner. I give me usual smirk.

"Rabo, I'm coming to get you, you'll pay for messing with my loved ones" I say to myself.

Immediately I teleport Sada and I, after explaining as to why we were in a foggy environment he agreed we should take Rabo down.

I was greeted by a humid air, I could almost feel the intense like aura in the place. I could tell Sada had his senses sharped up just incase something tries to attack us.

We practically looked everywhere, but nothing came up. I decided to look into higher ground, as I climbed up a flowing waterfall, I spot to fast moving figures.

I jump of the cliff, landing safely in the ground and ran towards the two figures, but they were constantly moving from the fog I could barely tell which one was who.

I knew Rabo would probably dodge or cut my bullets if I used guns, so I used my sword instead. I run quickly to Rabo and managed to catch him by surprise, he grinned at the sight of me.

"Yes..... I wasn't planning on fighting you too, but this is better than what I could've imagined! This is perfect! If you two are going to give it your all, then I will toO!"

Suddenly he turned into a half-phantom and half-God? I'm not sure what going on anymore, I just had goal in mind.
'Protect them'

Once I paid more attention I realized Hiyori was in the ground. I clenched my teeth.

"You damn fool, are you completely insane? Merging your being with phantoms" Yato comments.
"Heh, it seems so, I guess all that smoking you did back then is finally getting to your head, huh?" I smirked.
"Me? A fool, I've made my choice, and that's to fight you to the death!"

He charges at me first, I dodge by jumping up. Soon after jumping, he copied me and stricked from behind. Luckily, I blocked his attack with my sword. Our swords clashed, and I took the chance to kick him in his stomach while he was distracted.

I swiftly landed on the water, and he crashed onto the ground. His body bounced off the wet ground. Not long after landing, Yato kicked Rabo up high up, enough to give multiple openings.

I jump up and made a huge cut on his chest, blood gushes out of his pale body as I land. Finally Rabo comes crashing down to the lake, his blood making the water around him turn red.

'Our teamwork...'

Rabo gets back up, he glares at us. We both get in a fighting stance, ready to attack, dodge, and fight back. He grins at us, sending chills down my spine.

He charges at Yato this time, he swings his sword at him. Yato dodges his direct attack, and soon returns it with slashing him on his stomach. Yato had purposely cut him there in order to make him take a few steps back, giving me a chance to give him a clean, large cut in his back.

'It reminds me...'

Rabo screams in pain, we both give him a finishing strike in the back.

"Why, you two used to be better," Rabo looks at Hiyori's unconscious body in anger and frustration.
"Its her, she's to blame for your pathetic states"

He charges at Hiyori, but before he could get there, we surround him, Yato being infront, and me being behid Rabo. Yato kicks him into the ground, and I use one of my God powers to cause a huge explosion.

'Of when we were little'

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