Chapter 2-Starting Out

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                                                             Chapter 2 - Starting Out


This school is nothing new.That is,nothing different.It has its cliques.People stare at me as I walk down the hallway.Probably sizing me up to be humiliated.I think I'm okay looking,my hair is long and reaches till my slim waist,it's a deep black colour,but a white streak at the front of each side parting is the first tell-tale sign of my freakiness.I wear a pair of black,worn-out high top sneakers,long black pants to my heels,and a wine red sleeved,annoyingly scratchy blouse and my essential black leather gloves.My face is full of black.Black eyeliner,black eyeshadow,black lipstick.A disgusting contrast to my fair skin.Tell tale sign number two.

I arrive at my class room.I stare at the floor as I enter.Unwanted attention is never a good thing for me.I did,however,sneak a peak at the teacher's desk as I sat down in the nearest vacant seat.Empty.

Ten noisy minutes pass before a freaky looking lady walks in,her huge shimmery heels clacking on the dirty floor.She is dressed in a loud,purple sundress.I think she's actually quite pretty,but others around me broke out into whispers about her ugliness.I looked at her politely,waiting for her to begin.Freaky and pretty or not,she could help me.Might as well be nice.Suddenly the gossip dies down and the lady begins,

"Good morning,my dear students.Before we start our exciting educational journey,it seems we have a new addition." She stop and looks directly at me,motioning with her chin to introduce myself.Expected.I stand up,look past the students,concentrating on the wall behind them and speak,

"HimynameisAnnaMarieDonavonI'mnewhere" And quickly sit down.Everyone starts cracking up.A brawny guy sitting two seats behind yells,

"What,forgot to bring your voice to school today?Didn't lovely mother remind you to bring it?Bad girl!" And the laughing got louder and louder.The teacher then silences the class with a single hand movement.Someone's big on discipline,it seems.That's good,for me.Or maybe not...The teacher pierces me with her sharp gaze and says,

"Are you trying to make a fool of me girl?I maintain the discipline in this Mathematics class and I will not allow you to disrupt it!Speak clearly and slowly this time."

I stand up once more,look straight at her,and,in a tired manner,repeat myself clearly,

"My name is Anna Marie Donavon,and I am new at this school." This time the teacher nods approvingly at my introduction,and in a more friendly tone tells me,

"Welcome to Valley School.Here we have primary and secondary,so you will see the smaller ones occasionally.You are to be their role model.I see you have not been told of the school's rules and regulations," She tuts disapprovingly,looking at me.I nod meekly at her.

She continued," Very well.I shall have to repeat them for you,and class," She pauses and looks at the rest of them, " please listen too.As a precaution.Valley School's rules and regulations :

1.Everyone is an equal.No bullying,biased behaviour nor racism is tolerated.

2.Be proud of your school by wearing school colours and singing it's anthem proudly.Valleyans are brave and just,kind smart intellectually,physically gifted men and women.

3.The dress code we allow here is as follows-

a.No skirts or dresses more than three centimetres above the knee.

b.No skirts or dresses of outlandish styles or patterns.Plain and simply cut.

c.Skirt and dress colours allowed are in school colours and few exceptions of : Navy Blue,Black,White,Beige and Dark Green.

d.Not allowed to wear shorts or slacks or jeans,only trousers.T shirts are acceptable if plain and in the allowed colours,but shirts are preferred,with ties.For men,vests on formal occasions,and only in Black.

e.For P.E or Gym,only the school's uniformed P.E shorts and T-Shirts are allowed.

f.No make-up is allowed,no accessories unless certified by the school such as wristbands bearing the name of the school,badges and hairbands.

g.-"  Suddenly the teacher was cut short by the sound of a shrill bell.I have never been so happy for such an irritating sound in my life before!I was about to fall asleep with my eyes open! 

After the ringing stopped,the teacher dismissed us after handing me the school's rules and regulations booklet  with an impish grin on her face.

"Oh yes and Anna Marie,my name is Miss Gretchen." She hollers at me as I whiz out of the class.Miss Gretchen.Boring,yet nice.Fearsome at times though,in my opinion,trust-worthy.Life here may be just what I need.

I head towards Science Lab 3,where my class is scheduled to be at.As I walk,I remove my makeup,and mentally remind myself to pick out Navy Blue and whatever other colours are accepted coloured clothes the next day.

I arrive at the lab and went to the teacher's table to introduce myself to the teacher.He looked very friendly and his eyes were smiling,so I decided to trust him.After my introduction, he welcomed me to the school at pointed out the empty desks in the room.I also found out his name was Mister Duncan.I took one near a seemingly chirpy girl and a hot looking guy with the weirdest hair-Pink bangs!The girl was very annoying,the moment I sat down she bombarded me with questions of all sorts.Such a freak,I swear.Long braided brown hair,blemish-free faceHer name sounded something like Denise,or Dingy or something.The guy was busy talking to his friends,all of whom were equally hot,and didn't even look in my direction.Well I guess I should be relieved,as I said,attracting attention is never a good thing.

Now after everyone was seated,Mister Duncan began his lesson.He is a very good teacher,at least I didn't fall asleep or anything.He kept the class on their toes and even made Science seem fun,and easy.Queer isn't it?Usually after about a minute I drift off,holding up a book so it looks like I'm reading and listening,but this time,I actually participated in class discussion,and even took notes!I am impressed with this man,and later after the class I rushed to thank him before running to my next class.

As I was walking,that annoying Dunny girl kept trying to talk to me.Suddenly she reached out to grab my hand!I just couldn't take it anymore!

"What the hell freak back off!Don't be such a loser!" I shouted at her,irritated.

She stared at me intensely,with big brown eyes.I shook of her hand and ran back to my classroom for Mathematics.I headed straight to my seat and covered my ears with my hands,grimacing.What if she had held on to my hand when I was gloveless?Was she trying to kill her self?Tears dripped slowly down my face,onto the desk infront of me.

Just then,I felt a strong,large hand on my shoulder.Comforting as it was,I shrugged it off,afraid of what would happen.I looked up to see Pink Bangs.He was frowning slightly,

"Hey,are you okay?"

I snarled at him,

"What does it look like jerk?Go away!" He held up his hands in surprise,

"Woah,chill girly,you know you would look alot prettier without those wet drops on your face?" he asked,bringing his hand to my face to wipe my tears.I slapped his hand away,and ran past him out of the school,running past the streets to the only safe place I knew : The Meadow.

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