So, amidst the silence, you made a peace offering.

"You should tell Harrison."

Tom's glare immediately turned into a shocked expression as he turned to you, totally thrown off by what you just said. He stared at you for a moment.

"What?" he asked incredulously.

You nodded slightly, barely even turning to look at him.

"Yeah. You should. I won't tell Ryan or Zach or anyone. As long, of course, you trust Harrison not to tell anyone."

He didn't say anything. He just continued to stare at you in disbelief. You hardly batted an eye, only staring at the descending numbers as the elevator continued to the ground.

He swallowed before softly saying, "Okay. Uh, I trust him."

You nodded, "Good. Go for it."

Tom was still staring at you like you had grown two heads when the elevator hit the lobby level. The ding of the door opening snapped him out of his trance, and you both linked hands.

The hotel opened to you, and you both made your way through, seemingly the most adorable couple there ever was.


It was toward the end of the day that you started to feel not so good.

You had been on set for an ungodly amount of time. Right now was a busy part of the filming schedule, meaning everyone was on weird schedules and working way too long of time. But, it was your job and you loved the atmosphere.

However, sometimes when you're sleep deprived and overworked, it can be easy to get sick.

You were handling one too many cameras, trying to move them to the next place they were meant to be when you noticed the presence behind you.

You took a deep breath, pushing away any fear or discomfort you felt, before saying, "What do you want?"

Brad smiled coldly, and with your head pounding, all you wished was that he would go away. Given that you were the only two around, this only made you more tense.

"You look like a ridiculous mess. Give them to me, I'll take care of it."

He held out his hands to take the cameras, but instead you backed up away from him, holding the cameras closer to your chest.

"No, I'm fine," was all you managed to say.

You tried not to shake to make holding the cameras easier. And if you could've, you would've back up more but younwere now against the wall. Brad raised his eyebrows at you.

"We both know you aren't strong enough, Y/N," he said, and then went on more firmly. "Give them to me."

A cold chill ran up your spine at his sudden anger with you. You felt frozen on the spot, and you felt small and unimportant.

But, there was no way in hell you were giving him anything.

Thankfully, like a gift from the heavens, someone rounded the corner. You immediately recognized him as Tom's friend, Harrison, who arrived on set this week. Knowing immediately that this was your way out, you called to him.

"Harrison! Hey, can you come here really quick?"

Brad seemed thrown off by your sudden invitation of a third party. Harrison, however, was quick to your request, squinting his eyes slightly as he made his way over. His expression made you believe that Tom must've already told him about you guys.

Before you had a chance to make up an excuse as to why you needed Harrison over there, Brad introduced himself.

"Hey, man, you're Harrison, right? I'm Brad, working in the camera department."

Isn't This Cliche? {Tom Holland}Where stories live. Discover now