I love you

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Despite your impatience,

regardless of your blind spots,

undeterred by your will to power,

even though you misread

my motivations,

my intentions,

my openheartedness,

I continue to love you.

What choice do I have?

I do not remain unaffected,

only whimsically philosophical.

Despite your objectivity,

your silence spoke to me.

Many things did it reveal.

Perhaps you hoped

it would annihilate,

remove any trace,

erase my earnest face,

cancel and delete me.

Instead I heard your fear,

your dread at being read

like a thread that led

us back here. See?

I've not remained immune,

exposed as I am to denial.

Despite an assertion 

you'd never receive me,

in a weak moment, you did do,

remember? You gave me a gift,

unintentionally mended a rift

between what my heart

and mind knew

only too well.

Only too well

you adamantly reject 

what stares you down

each single morning

as you fleetingly 


I've not remained true.

Despite knowing another,

I love you. 

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