Chapter 5: The Enemy

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Liv- Ahhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaron- Babe, baby girl wake up.

Liv- Aaron?

Aaron- You had a nightmare. Talk to me, please.

Liv- I'm scared Aaron.

Aaron- What are you scared of?

Liv- I don't know.

Aaron- Babe, I need to go to work but you are coming with me and you are going to be upstairs.

Liv- Babe...

Aaron- No, you have been having nightmares and I need to know that you are okay so please for me come with me.

Liv- Okay...

At the White House...

Aaron- Go upstairs and try to go to sleep today is going to be a really busy day alright.

Liv- Hmmm

Aaron- Babe please I will see you later I love you.

Liv- Love you too.

Later that day...

Alex- Hey sweetie what are you doing here?

Liv-  Aaron wanted me to come today cause I had another nightmare and he was worried I might slip again.

Alex- Is that what he told you?

Liv- No but he did say I was worried. Gosh, I just don't think I can do this anymore.

Alex- Do what?

Liv- Act like nothing is wrong. So many things are wrong I just don't know what.

Alex- Maybe it's time you talk to someone like a therapist?

Liv- Aaron and I talked about it but I don't know.

Alex- But it can help.

Liv- I don't want to worry Aaron mom. He's stressed and I love him but I stress him out way too much. He tries to make sure my mental health is alright but he doesn't know. This morning I told him I was scared and I don't know why.

Alex- Just talk to him tell him how you feel. Don't lie to him.

Liv- I'm not. It's just I don't know what to do.

Alex- Talk to him.

Liv- I will when I get a chance.

Alex- Go sit in his office for a bit and wait alright.

Liv- Fine mother.

Alex- Olivia.

Liv- Haha.

At Aaron's office...

Liv- Where are you, Aaron?...

Aaron- Hey what are you doing in here?

Liv- Can we talk?

Aaron- Alright sure let's talk.

Liv- So you know how Tom isn't my dad. So I started digging because I don't really remember my dad that much.

Aaron- Yeah and?

Liv- Is it bad that I want to find him?

Aaron- Babe, no it isn't. Why didn't you tell me? I could have hired someone to look for him.

liv- I know where he is... He's in prison.

Aaron- Oh, babe.

Liv- Is it bad that I still want to meet him?

Aaron- NO of course not.

Liv- I miss talking to you like this.

Aaron- So do I but I'm going to have to stay here tonight so I was wondering if you could stay upstairs.

Liv- Of course, yeah, but umm I want to talk to you more when we are home. But not always about me you as well... I'm worried about you...

Aaron- Babe you don't need to worry about me but yeah we will totally start talking more.

Liv- I'm going to go take a nap upstairs... I love you.

Aaron- And I love you.

Liv- Bye.

Later that day...

Liv- Mom?

Alex- Yeah?

Liv- Can umm...

Alex- What's wrong?

Liv- I want to meet my dad.

Alex- Okay, but let's talk about this first--

Liv- No, I want to meet him and I know that you know where he is so please tell me.

Alex- I can't... How much do you know?

Liv- That he's in prison... And his name... Jeffrey Myers.

Alex- Sweetheart is this about Aaron?

Liv- What no? Why?

Alex- He's been asking around about Jeffrey Myers.

Liv- No I didn't but I don't think he knows.

Alex- Go back to sleep you look exhausted. We will talk later.

Liv- Alright.

In Aaron's office...

Aaron- Mrs. Kirkman? I'm sorry. I didn't expect anyone in so late. 

Alex- I hear you have been asking about Jeffrey Myers. 

Aaron- Well, Emily's got a better poker face than I thought. 

Alex- She said it came up in you're opposition research. 

Aaron- Yeah.

Alex-So you know that we had a relationship and you know he's in prison. 

Aaron- I do.

Alex- And so does Tom. Every detail. It is not a personal issue for us, so I don't see why it should be a political one. 

Aaron- It shouldn't be... except Jeffrey Myers has been telling everyone in his federal prison in Pennsylvania that he's the father of you're daughter and you're son.  Ma'am? Mrs. Kirkman. Ma'am does... Does Leo know... that the President might not be his father? 

Alex shakes her head no.

Aaron- Does Liv know anything? She's was talking about him earlier... I didn't tell her anything I thought you should be the one to tell her...

Alex- She umm knows that he is in prison and his name but that's it.

Aaron- Alright. I understand if you don't want to tell Leo. That's not my say but Liv needs to know. She's been wondering about him and she deserves to know.

Alex- I will talk to her about it when she wakes up but I would rather do it tomorrow. Aaron something is going on with her and I'm really worried... Not just with her father but everything... She is worried about you.

Aaron- I know I told her we would talk more so she doesn't get so worried about me.

Alex- Thank you it's just she's my baby. And you have always been there for her it's just she needs you so much right now.

Aaron- And I am I won't ever leave her. We will start talking more for sure. I have been trying to get her to talk to a therapist but she won't.

Alex- Can we talk more about this tomorrow. It's getting late.

Aaron- Of course.

Alex- Stay the night with Liv. It would be good for her to stay the night and for her not to freak out that you left her here.

Aaron- That's a good idea. Good night.

Alex- Night.

* Okay two chapters today. I will be updating again this week so...*

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