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Once morning time had arrived Harry had hoped the chattering of their actions would vanish, but in fact it had probably gotten worse

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Once morning time had arrived Harry had hoped the chattering of their actions would vanish, but in fact it had probably gotten worse. It wasn't until breakfast when it started to go downhill.

Eleanor had walked aside the Gryffindor table with her head held high. She ignored the pleading stare from Harry, all he wanted was a smile of reassurance, but he didn't even get a look back.

"Professor Adler, I missed you last night at dinner!" Called a loud voice that caused attention, but Gilderoy Lockhart loved attention.

Eleanor simply walked passed Gilderoy which made his smile drop a bit. He's never been ignored before. Her next move was just as shocking to students that had watched as she came up to Severus and asked, "Is this seat taken?" After he shook his head acting like he didn't give a care to the world she smiled and sat down slapping toast on her plate.

"What's wrong? Missed a date with Lockhart?" Asked Severus quietly.

"Oh you mean the most selfish man in the world? I'd be the third wheel on that date, he's in love with his mirror. Can't you tell?" She laughed a bit and summoned the floating Coffee Kettle to pour her a drink.

Snape raised his eyebrows a bit surprised that someone like Eleanor Adler wouldn't like the most popular wizard that's made it on all front pages of any magazine or headline.

"How was your summer?" She asked, turning her full attention to him.

"Decent." He replied, "and yours?"

"It was good until last night." Eleanor nudged her head in the direction of the gryffindor table. She was honestly hurt by the action Harry and Ron made. How was she supposed to look after Harry if he were to do things like this that could get him hurt.

All of the sudden loud hooing was heard from the distance, that meant that the mail had arrived.

Surprisingly Eleanor got a letter, realizing it was from Seria.

Eleanor opened it reading,

I just saw the paper, Harry Potter on the front page with Gilderoy Lockhart— God, you're a lucky woman. I put the paper in a frame for you when you get back. The boys said hi and I hope you're doing well. I'm honestly only writing you because I'm bored at work. Anyways farewell!


With a small smile Eleanor put the letter back in the envelope.

"RONALD WEASLEY!!" The voice of mrs Weasley roared throughout the great hall, her booming voice made the plates vibrate. The coffee that was in Eleanor's hand spilled a bit making her wince at the hot spillage of her burning hand.
Eleanor was immediately thrown a napkin by Snape.

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