As if I was on fire, he quickly let go and moved back. I stared down at my wrist where his fingers were just on. My wrist was throbbing painfully and slight red lines were very visible. I held my wrist and glared hatefully at the man I never want to speak to again after my last words to him.

"I hate you," I spat out noticing some type of emotion in his eyes. Was he hurt I had said that? I don't know the answer to that because I didn't linger to find out. Turning on my heel, I sped away from him and his house, and headed for the trees.

He didn't follow.


I stretched out my muscles as the morning sun rays hit my eyes. My position on the low tree branch I decided to sleep in was very uncomfortable but I wasn't planning on going back inside. I turned my head when something caught my eyes. How had I not noticed this?

A small blue blanket lay rested over my legs. Who put it there? I had a small suspicion of who it was but I quickly dismissed the thought. I doubt he would do it I thought bitterly.

Sighing, I returned to my position before my stomach growled. Letting out an irritated sigh, I got up and dragged myself and the blanket towards the house.

I stood outside the door but then remembered that he skips breakfast, so my nerves went away.

Too bad I was wrong.

I saw him before I picked up his scent. He was pacing back and forth at the top of the stairs when I scrolled in. He noticed my presence and stopped the pacing; he just watched me.

A minute passed of just staring at each other until he coughed awkwardly. Not really knowing what to do, I scurried towards the dining room. I collapsed onto a chair and took a deep breath in, trying to control my nerves. Why was my heart racing in my chest?

A hand suddenly appeared in front of my face.  I jumped and glanced from the hand to the head of the body. I was completely startled when a lady, no older than fifty, stood before me with a worried expression on her face.

I scrambled backwards, completely forgetting about the chair and toppled over.

I let out a scream and closed my eyes just as I was about to hit the ground. But mere inches from the ground, the chair stopped and my screaming slowly went to a 'huh?'

I reopened my eyes to see my mate leaning above me. His dark eyes staring straight into my own eyes made me shiver. I removed my gaze from him remembering that I was suppose to be mad at him. He placed both legs of the chair on the ground before glancing quickly at the lady who was still in the room.

"This is Mary," his husky voice made me tense up. "She will be here instead of Arianna for a short period."

I nodded not even understanding what he was saying, but he took this as a sign to leave the room. Mary, gave me a small smile.

"I apologize Luna,-" she began but I stopped her by shaking my head.

"It's OK, and please don't call me Luna," I replied. She shot me a confused look but nodded, letting me exhale gratefully.

"I will go bring out the food," she murmured before leaving the room and coming back a short moment later with large platters of food. I inhaled the delicious aroma that surrounded me the minute she came back.

"Is that all you need for now?" I nodded and said a quiet thank you letting her leave. I glanced around the empty dining room before slowly going back to eating.

But a few moments later something happened.

The seat in front of me was empty. But then Alpha Thaddeus was somehow now sat in front of me.

My mouth dropped open and I was left flabbergasted. He didn't notice as he was too busy piling his plate with some bacon and other sorts. When he was finally done, he glanced up at me taking in my expression. I quickly looked away when our eyes connected.

I continued eating but slower this time as I thought of reasons why he would be doing this.

Maybe he's just hungry? Or maybe this is his way of apologizing and showing he cares about me? No, I'm just thinking too much into this.

Throughout the whole entire ten minutes we sat there, I was sneaking glances at him, hoping he wouldn't notice me checking him out.

After we were both done, the real shock came.

"Would you like to accompany me to a meeting?" I almost choked on my own saliva. I glanced up at him only to realize that he was being serious. And he looked very nervous but hid it when he found me watching.

"You want me to go with you?" He looked uncomfortable but none other than that, he answered me.

"You said you wanted to do something and this is it."

A blush took over but I looked away from him. "Now?"


And that was how I found myself walking towards the same building I walked into, the day before. But this time it was different. I had Alpha Thaddeus standing next to me. When we both walked inside everyone stopped what they were doing to bow their heads and say their good morning greetings to him. I hadn't really expected them to say anything to me but when some turned to me and did the same thing, I was beyond shocked. Alpha Thaddeus didn't let me dwell on it, because he was already leading the way.

When we walked inside the meeting room, all chatter disappeared and I was met with an awkward silence. Alpha Thaddeus walked to the head chair and sat down while I lingered by his side.

A man nearby immediately stood and offered his chair. I accepted and watched as he sat elsewhere. My mates voice placed my attention back to him.

I glanced at him, watching the way he spoke and the way all eyes were on him and no one dare interrupt. Maybe I'd love coming to these meetings.

Or maybe I just should have done what he said in the beginning, and just help the cooks at the pack house because what I thought would be a normal meeting, turned out to be much more.

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~MissieA out!

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