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We start off this story with a disclaimer.

As everyone knows. This is a fan fiction based on Kim Namjoon going solo, yet he would still be with a group. This is an Au, alternative universe fan-fiction. You will see many things that don't add up, and it is because this is a fan fiction with a lot of details that are different. This is only a fan fiction and should not in any be compared to bts of real life. I appreciate if you do not hate. Please kindly read the summary to know what this is going to be about.

This is only a fan-fiction and should be taken as only a fanfic.

Please do not push your ideas to others. If someone doesn't ship someone then let them me. I would not write smut nor sexing stuff.

Please kindly read this fanfic with anything but hate. Criticizing is aloud. If you don't like something just comment it and I shall read it and see what I can do.

In this story remember you will read namjoon not being namjoon. As well as him going solo(away from bts) due to him being tired of being someone he isn't or seen by others(army's & dislikes) for a fake persona. If you are not comfortable Namjoon being labeled as a bottom meaning cute/shy/innocent/ person then kindly wait and read to judge for yourself if it is worth your read. If you don't enjoy Namjoon being the short one in his group, yet taller than Hoseok but shorter than Kim Seok-Jin then please wait and read to see for yourself if you truly hate it. I will tell you in this story Namjoon is independent and already had his career started.

Be aware you will be amazed as well as confused. While reading this remember it is nothing like bts of real life. Do not bear a mind that it will be like bts in real life because it isn't. There are a lot of changes to fit this au fanfic.

The photos or quotes I use are not mine and were founded in the internet.

Thank you and don't forget to vote and maybe leave a comment behind.


𝒢Oℐ𝒩𝓖   𝕌𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓇𝓬o𝓋𝓮𝓻✮ NamjoonCentricWhere stories live. Discover now