Chapter 35- Bad Timing

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- Louis' POV

Clementine, AJ and I all crept along the bay, hoping for a point of entry into the boat. Walkers were being shot down by the second, which left us with only a small amount of time to reach our destination. I watched, hesitating as Clem used a walker as cover to hide from the spotlight. Within seconds, the walker was dead and she kept moving further. I was the last one behind, so hurriedly, I jogged up to meet them as to not get left behind. I followed suit, watching as a bullet ripped through the head of the walker I hid behind, but soon enough we were at the pier. This is where it got more complicated. Quickly, the three of us ran, hiding behind crates and boxes being used as a barricade. My heart still pounded in my chest, but soon enough that had been drowned out by the sound of gunshots being fired above us. A man was standing, right above where we hid, firing relentlessly at the surrounding walkers. There was no way to get inside from where we were.

We were in the water. The murky water which held all the walkers we couldn't see from the top. We crept along the side, AJ first and Clem last as we reached he entrance. Not exactly an entrance, but the one AJ would go through and open for us. I helped AJ up quickly, hoisting myself up right after. This part of the dock was clear of raiders, as they'd all been killed or retreated to safer grounds. I turned, expecting to see Clementine getting up. But instead, I only saw her briefly as she was pulled underwater. My mind raced, there was no way I could just go in the water with her. Thankfully I didn't have to, seeing her seconds later emerge from the water gasping. "Clem!" I whispered loudly as she turned to climb the ladder. As she reached the top, I grabbed her arm and helped her up. She fell as she got up with us, coughing on her hands and knees and water dripping from her form. "You okay?" I asked as I put my hand on her back, rubbing in circles and hoping to calm her down. Clem nodded briefly, but I could tell she was still a little shocked. "Just help AJ inside." She said, standing.

I stood, turning to the little boy quickly. He gave me a quick nod as I picked him up, helping him through the opening hurriedly. I still kept an eye on Clem the whole time though, watching as she shot down walkers with Marlon's bow. I heard the gate click, running inside and turning, waiting for her to get inside before we could close it again. The girl turned, nearly sprinting inside as we closed the gate again. Now it was time for the bomb.

The three of us rushed inside, just narrowly avoiding the sight of their rival group. We rushed inside, now in the boiler room as Clem pulled out the bomb Willy had constructed. "Okay..." She trailed off as she opened the iron door. We both watched as she set it inside gently, closing the door behind it and standing again. For a moment, she looked lost. The girl masked it well with her determination. "Let's go get our friends back." She said, quietly. I nodded. It was decided that I would take AJ with me, Clem would go alone. Since she knew how to handle herself...and I didn't really. As much as I hated being apart from her, I knew it was nescessary. "See you on the other side." I whispered. AJ stood next to us, watching intently down the hallway. I couldn't help but gaze into my lover's golden eyes, her staring back at me. Tense nerves were extinguished for a moment as I leaned closer, closing the gap between us. Clem's lips connected to mine in the moment we shared, latching onto me instantly. I felt warm and...tingly as I cupped her face in both hands. If I was going to die today, I wouldn't do it without kissing my girlfriend one last time.

Finally our lips parted, leaving a string of saliva connecting us. Not embarrassing at all. Clementine shuddered a little from the cold that replaced me, still breathing heavily. "Stay safe." I whispered to her, gaining an almost eager nod. "You too." She said, just above a whisper. That was about when we heard shouting. We knew it was time to go. I gave the girl one last peck on her lips before parting, heading the opposite direction along with AJ. "C'mon little dude. We've got people to save." I said, jogging as he caught up with me. "You were doing the kissing thing with Clem again." He stated. A smirk formed on my lips as we stayed by the door a moment. "Yeah. We did. Come on." I said as we opened the door, ready to take on the raiders.

- Clementine's POV

Of course Louis had to go distract me right before a fight. His lips were so soft...and gentle on mine. I shouldn't be thinking about this right now. I opened the door, ducking behind a stack of crates when I saw one of them. Maybe the kiss was a way to motivate me to make it through. So we could do that again. "Hey!" The man shouted. I shut my eyes, knife in my hand tightly. "Gimme the word." He said. Oh...oh sh*t. What was it? "Uhh...Rockingham." I said loudly back. That was the city Abel mentioned, right? The word they used to make sure we were one of them. "Get back to your station." He growled. I watched as he turned. Now was my chance. I ran out of my cover, using my knife. Not that I wanted to kill anyone else. But I didn't have a choice right now. I just had to do it, for everyone.

So I know I've been like, gone a lot. I want to apologize for that. I haven't been able to find motivation for this but I'm really trying. Don't forget to vote if you liked, and thanks for reading!

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